Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Because this is my life lately...

Had a great day today, till THIS happened.

took a leap off my stairs rushing to bible study- the first one I was going to be able to make for WEEKS.  Yeah. nice huh!

I seemed fine for about an hour and a half- DAVE would NOT let me go to sleep.  So we put on a show and after I started seeing weird lights and shapes, Dave said that was it and we were going to get me checked out.  So we packed up and headed to our local ER. 

Anyway. I am fine.  Didn't even require stitches.  The doctor- BTW not allowing someone to go to sleep after a head injury is no longer common practice, just have someone around to make sure you don't start acting weird, vomit or have a seizure- said I was good to go!  Gave me a pain med and sent me home.

So all is well- but I am sore and of course my head hurts! 


  1. Oh my goodness girl! I'm so glad you're ok! That cut looks nasty. I hope you can take it easy the next couple of days.

  2. ewwweeewww uuuuggghhhhh!!!!

    I had to scroll down really fast and put my hand over the screen. Ick.

    What did you hit it on???

  3. I'm glad you saw a doctor, and I'm glad you checked out OK. Now, go get some rest. After all, tomorrow is another day. (Don't let that scare you!)

  4. ouch, girl!! i had to scroll down quickly, as well.

  5. I haven't read blogs in a couple of days so then I find this. EEK! I'm glad you're okay!
