Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Half way in and half way out...

I am so very weary of the lies that we have had shoved down our throats our entire lives... so very weary.

I struggle so very much with the conversation of feminism and what I KNOW for myself and believe to be true... what to teach my children...how to change my lifestyle to reflect those beliefs.

It is so very, very, very hard.. but again IS IT?  I mean yes, it is but not the conversation it self.  Either GOD said what HE said or He didn't.  That part SHOULD not be as hard as it is...

and you cannot always blame this on the world or those CRAZY lady feminist....most of what I KNOW came from Christian women who have bought the lie.... hook, line and sinker!  Whether they were taught that themselves, whether they have ever searched out the truth for themselves or whether they simply DO NOT want to know the truth I WILL NEVER KNOW of course- that is between God and them.

Although I do maintain that as mentors and teacher- older woman need to be EXTREMELY mindful of what they are teaching to younger woman! The whole millstone around a neck thing comes to mind! :)

I understand that we PICK and choose what we want from the BIBLE.  I understand we use the argument- well we wouldn't REALLY stone a woman for adultery... or woman's clothes come from a woman's store not a mans.   BUT really when does TRUTH means absolute? 

When do we take the Bible literally, when do we not?  DOES anyone else NOT struggle with this conversation???

Whatever is good, whatever is HOLY... think on these things. Well at least until you go read the review of a movie from Plugged IN ONLINE and they give it 4 stars for family friendliness SO its ALL GOOD.

Be fruitful and multiply.... well until you have had 2.5 and then really aren't you good?

Wives be submissive to your husband... well what if they won't lead- then I will take the reins.

Don't hear me wrong--- I am TELLING you I don't have it all down! THAT is part of my issue!  I am 33, not that old, but certainly NOT that young!  I should have it down better by now.  I should be more concrete in my belief.  I should be more knowledgeable about GODS WORD.  The problem lies with the things I FEEL concrete in-- I still don't follow HIS lead and the things I feel knowledgeable about-- I obviously do NOT act on!

this is an excellent article... brings to light the truth in a way that doesn't feel condemning yet.... it does.

Are we really pro life...

My post isn't all about should you or shouldn't you pro create... it is about it all, all the topics that we just LET GO on a daily basis. 

GODS word tells us to be frugal---- yet DAILY I am not! 

GODS word tells us to spread the GOOD NEWS---- yet DAILY I do not!

GODS word tells us to be HIS hands and HIS feet--- yet VERY rarely I am!

GODS word tells us to not go back to sin as a dog to his vomit--- yet I apparently LOVE me some vomit!

HOW do you mesh this... this half cocked way of living in Christianity???

HOW do I explain to my children when you should obey and when you shouldn't???

BECAUSE I haven't quite figured that out yet!

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