Thursday, March 24, 2011


So this week has been pretty random.  Just a weird week in general- it is different having two cars!  My life is my own.  :)  It really is very different!  I do miss talking with him going back and forth for lunch and he didn't come home Mon, Tues or Wed for lunch--- it is just different.

I got school done today but it was less than planned... I really, really need to get my school plans down!  I plan to work on that Saturday, Dave will be unavailable to me.... so it should be a good time if I give the kids the privilege of free range of electronics!  It will be all good!

Emily wore her patch better today.  We only went through one and made it a whole two hours.  She fussed, complained and messed with the patch but in the end she kept it on.  I need to order more patches.. I don't know how long they take to get here and I need to keep them in stock!

She kept turning her head a weird way while trying to draw, you can see her eye turning inward a little but the drawing book is directly in front of her, so she kept tilting her head.  Finally she looked like this....

and this

I got my car washed and cleaned at a place on Ella- it is a Christian owned, played KSBJ and inside they have a Prayer wall.  You write your prayer request on this post IT (Pre- KSBJ post it BTW!) and put it on the wall.  I love giving them my business! 

We had to go to the Homeschool Store today to return the cards I got and get the right ones.  BOTHER- just stepping into that place cost me money. I don't have any money right now so bad combo!  I did however take a few minutes to glance at physics curriculum's and might have found the one we will use- Dave needs to look it over though.

Princess Class is over tomorrow! Kindof glad- you know just mark it off my list and one less thing to prepare for or do. BUT I am also kindof sad- I love my ladies!  I get to talk and visit and I feel it is a really good program!  Look for pictures of our banquet and presentation on Saturday!

I have for the past few weeks lamented the fact that I have been having trouble getting the kids to do their chores!  It has really been a problem.  SO we started a new chore system a few weeks ago which I will review for you at a later date- but the kids still weren't DOING things.  You would think they had reverted back to infancy!  So we started doing loss of privilege, loss of activities etc.  It still wasn't working very well!  So Tuesday afternoon I informed the kids I had a new plan- I was going to get them up earlier so they would have PLENTY of time to get their chores done. Well both Wed and today I got them up at 5:00 AM!  I will tell you that the house looks nice, their chores got 90% done today which is major progress but 5:00 a.m tomorrow morning just might be the clincher for us!  :0)

So I said earlier that I was kind of missing time with Dave- today I just FELT like I wanted to see him and called to say lets meet for lunch.  We are very short on money and he was surprised, but went along seeings how this is not normal for me!  I got there and picked him and up and said lets go to McDonald's- another surprise.  I mean we eat there every ONCE in a while but for me to CHOOSE to go is off. Yet we went.. we got there and it was packed!  Normally I would just leave but we went in.  Then when we got inside it took 18 minutes to get our food-  SERIOUSLY.  I promise this is all leading up to something!

We sat down in the play area next to a mom with a girl- probably 4 years old.  She was following Emily around and being so sweet and kept coming back to the table for a bite or two.  She was a beautiful little girl but I thought I detected an eye thing.  So I just kept watching her and wanting to ask but I mean what if she didn't!  Its like asking a fat woman when she is due!  Finally I worked up the courage to ask-

Well she did, she has an esotropia just like Emily's only MUCH worse and in both eyes.  She has had 3 surgeries and getting ready for her fourth.  Her mom answered a lot of my questions and was really reassuring!  It was awesome to get to talk to a mom who had gone through most of it but was still dealing with it. I KNOW that God send me there to talk to that mom!  I just know... nothing else about the whole eating business makes sense or is normal for me! 

I cooked an enchilada casserole tonight- yummy, gooey, cheesy.... YUMMO.  Got it out, rice was done and Dave should have been five minutes away- just long enough for it to set up from the oven!  Great evening... UNTIL I turned and walked away from the oven and the entire casserole dish EXPLODED!  Glass  and enchilada casserole flew everywhere!  A lot of the casserole just dissolved in a mess on top of the stove and sunk into the burner.  GOOD TIMES!  We got it cleaned up and went to Wendy's. So much for thrifty, eating at home!  I was SOOO done!

I have spent over 17 hours talking, being, doing something about the eyes and that is not including rehashing with anyone about Emily's appointment OR the kids science which just happened to be a unit on THE 5 senses!  I am all eye'd in!  I glad that I am dealing with such a SMALL thing compared to other health issues and I know that the WOW will wear off and it will become the norm for us... but right now.  I just want to close my eyes and NOT deal for a while. 

I am really going to get better at this I PROMISE.... but today during school we spent like 45 minutes CUTTING, GLUING and making models of the ear, tongue, skin and eye.  I COULD HAVE PATCHED HER FOR THAT!!!Seriously!  When I make my lesson plans I will have to simply NOTE if it will be a good time to patch and try to work it in so we have to do less of it later that afternoon!  I will get better!

But again I would have to have lesson plans wouldn't I!


  1. #1 I cannot believe your casserole exploded!!!! Girl, you HAVE to be getting punk'd! :)

    #2 I notice people with tics all the time. But I can't say something b/c what if they don't know they have them? Or haven't noticed it in their kid? :0 I just saw a dad at the rodeo with facial tics. Took me 2 minutes to be sure. (I did not bring it up.)

  2. Oh my goodness, (((((Carrie)))))! Thinking of you guys.

  3. Ummm I was going to make an enchilada casserole this weekend...maybe not. I'm a little paranoid now! HOW did that happen?

    It's kinda cool you got to talk with someone about the eye stuff, I hope it helped!

  4. What a week!

    I'm glad you weren't hurt when that exploded! Weird!

    I will be praying for her eye....
    love ya

  5. Eye patches and exploding casseroles--it really has been quite the week for you, hasn't it?! Sometimes, you just gotta go to Wendy's (or Subway, or Taco Bell, or wherever!)
