I hope I don't really practice all these deadly sins... I just thought it was kind of a cute meme and a way to LOOK at yourself a little. I do desire all these things I talked about I just have to remember to not put too much emphasis on them vs. people or of course GOD!
1) Pride- Seven great things about yourself:
- I love being a mom.
- I love being a wife.
- I can be very thoughtful.
- I am creative.
- I am a get it done kind of person- when I want to.
- I have boundaries.
- Once you are my friend- I am loyal!
2) Envy- Seven things you lack and covet:
- people with high metabolism!
- People who run.
- People who travel.
- People who don't suffer from anxiety.
- Disney Season pass holders.
- people who can sing.
- the ability to follow a schedule- for more than one day.
3) Wrath- Seven things that tick you off:
- People who are fake.
- Customer service that ISN'T customer service.
- People who feel entitled.
- Messing up my diet on the 2nd day.
- People who are ignorant BY choice to what is happening in this country.
- finding a chore HALF WAY done!
4) Sloth- Seven things you neglect to do:
- return library books.
- check my voice mail (I DO maintain that it is broken right now... and AT&T cant seem to fix it)
- save money :)
- exercise.
- keep my car clean. (my new plan for the new car is NEVER take anything it it! :)
- welcome and invite people into my home.
5) Greed- Seven worldly desires:
- a maid!
- to travel.
- money to buy what I want- without thinking about it.
- to be beautiful- I mean REALLY beautiful!
- to be an amazing photographer.
- to be a planner of LAVISH parties!
- a DECKED out RV that is huge!
6) Gluttony- Seven guilty pleasures:
- Spending money on home schooling stuff- that I COULD do without.
- TV.
- hair cuts from TISH.
- travel planning.
- DID I mention food?
- Eating out!
7) Lust- Seven love secrets: TMI but WHATEVER--- God meant sex between hubbie and wife to be awesome and fulfilling! :0)
- a really good kiss- for NO reason.
- Making your other half feel sexy.
- Hotel sex.
- Remembering to still WOO your husband or wife.
- Trying new things- DON'T GET STALE.
- Remember that sex is supposed to be FUN! :)
Head over to Sunday Stealing!!!
I like this...I am going to give it a shot!