Monday, April 11, 2011

American History-- Week 17

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I am so excited to enter this part of history!

We are still using this book like a spine: A Child's Story of America

Also Veritas Press Flash Cards:

In addition we are reading these books-- they will be read over the next two lessons.

George Did It

A More Perfect Union

SHHHH! We're writing the Constitution

If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution

We also are reading these books on George Washington:

continuing with George Washington's World

Famous Lives: The Story of George Washington

Mount Vernon

George Washington's Mother

George and Martha Washington at Home in New York

George Washington Wasn't Always Old

George Washington A Picture Book Biography

We are memorizing the Preamble.

We learned the rules for the convention for the 16 weeks they were working on the Constitution.

1. Each state (13) got ONE vote.
2. For something to get in the constitution, when it was voted on it had to have the majority, meaning a min of 7 votes or it was a no go.
3. Everything over the 16 weeks was done in complete secrecy--- they could not talk about it.

We learned what each article of the constitution mean.

We learned the first 10 amendments, which makes up the BILL OF RIGHTS.

We also watched a David Barton video called Foundations of American Government

BTW you might want to check out this interview Mike Huckabee did with Jon Stewart.. yes, I know!
  It was really good and he speaks a lot on David Barton, well Mike Huckabee does anyway! 
 It was a good interview!
there are three parts to the interview

The kids did a work sheet on the Great Seal and a few other pages from TEACHER FILE BOX

All in all it was a good lesson!  We will continue going over each of these things with our review cards each week!  We would like the kids to know each article of the constitution and the first 10 amendments.

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