Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stepping out, but without fear.

“We need not fear what our obedience will cause to happen in our life. We should only fear what our dis-obedience will cause us to miss.”
                                      ---When Woman Say Yes to God, by Lysa Terkeurst

I saw this quoted out of a book on See Jaimie Blog...


That is absolutly what I do.  I mean rarely do I think... what will happen if I disobey--- I am always concerned with what will happen if I DO obey. 

"What will people think?"
"Will someone think it is wrong?"
" I didnt really hear that!"

Often before I will obey I am like Gideon, making God wet the fleece.


So often when that still, small voice prompts me.. I stifle it.  I ignor it.  I don't take action... I take time to examine what it is telling me to do and talk myself out of obeying.

How many blessings have I missed because of my fear, disobediance, and disbelief?

David and I have stepped out in faith in our marriage a few times.  We have listened to the still, small voice and we have obeyed. 

BUT so many other times we have not!  I wonder how many times God spoke to both of us and we both ignored it and didnt communicate to one another what we felt we should do.   If we had only taken time to talk to one another we might have KNOWN.  I think that is simply another reason why communication is so very important in marriage... we need to be able to share those innermost urgings, the deepest thoughts, the seeds of desire God places in us.

My sister in law is an amazing artist and my brother said something the other day about not waiting until the day he could support her by allowing her to work at it all day-- she works outside the home currently.  I was mega touched!  At one point in the conversation I said, "isnt it hard to be responsible for some one else's dreams?"

IT IS.  As married people, we are responsible for each others dreams, desires and ultimately our calling in life from God.  We need to work to make those things happen for each other.  If it means clamping down on the finances so husband can work at church part time- DO IT.  If it means putting up with late nights so husband can do "x". DO IT.  If it means not keeping up with the neighbors so that mom can stay home with the kids... DO IT.

I digress.

In a marriage you have to listen to each other.

In our MARRIAGE to God we have to listen!  We have to hear HIS desires for us.  We have to hear HIS plans. We have to make sacrifices and tighten our belts and work long hours to do what HE asks of us.

But we cant if we are not willing to step out in faith.  We cant if we fear obediance.

GOD is good all the time.  He has plans to prosper us... not to harm us.  He knows the steps...

We need to start trusting more.  Without abandon.  Without fear.  Without anxiety. Without question.

What is God saying to you that you are "not hearing"?


  1. Wow. What a great post Carrie! And you've posed a question that I'm going to be thinking about throughout my day.

  2. Yes! I have the same problem, which is why that quote jumped out at me so. For me, it's really come down to realizing that I am not trusting God enough. I know He is good, but...
    But what!?! There is no "but" if I really trust Him.

    I think I'm going to write a post on that book & all that I've been thinking since then. It's really good. :)
