So something you don't know about me and YES I am ashamed about but it is what it is...
I have had an expired license for WELL over two years.
IT started with just not getting it done, it snowballed into getting a ticket, which escalated into getting a surcharge from the STUPID DRIVER RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM-- where they give you an additional fee for court fees and ticket fees that you ALREADY paid. DOUBLE whammy.
I digress.
The surcharge was something we could not pay at the time and eventually it got ignored and you know how some things go... I SAID I WASN'T PROUD OF IT.
Anyway... so fast forward two plus years later! The surcharge program had an amnesty type program where your fees were 25% of the total balance and we PAID IT!!! Thank you MOM for letting me know about the program!
SO I left my house this morning for the DMV. I had no identification having lost the expired Driver's license (yes I know). I brought ALL the papers that the website said to bring if you wanted to apply for a license that has been expired for over two years and have no identification.
I got in line before the doors were open. I waited. HAPPILY.
I got up in the line--- the line to get the ticket to get in the line anyways! I handed over all my documents. FAIL. I did not have a CERTIFIED copy of my birth certificate. I had a copy and the hospital copy which can be used for SUPPORTING documents but NOT primary documents!
Okay, off we went to the Bureau of Vital Statistics. HAPPILY, a little less but still happily.
I filled out the form, got in line again. FAIL. Was told I couldn't get my birth certificate without on I.D. HMMM. Dave had to get it for me because I DON'T EXIST!!!!! So Dave got it. We waited in line again and finally got the CERTIFIED copy!
Back to the DMV (after a catastrophe at the hospital where I was supposed to get my 646.00 cat scan-- but it's all good right).
I got back in line.... the line where you get a ticket to get in line anyways!!!!! Up to the front, I HAPPILY handed over my documents including my CERTIFIED birth certificate. FAIL. You need a social security card-- my social security card got stolen years ago and I had the number but haven't needed the card since--- till now! I did have my W2 that HAD the social security on it-- but it was not sufficient! This lady DID however give me a PASS to get straight back in her line to get the ticket to get in line WITHOUT waiting again.
SO off to the Social Security Office--- not happily but still somewhat okay, I know what I have to do.
Got in line at the social security office-- filled out the application and waited. Number called. I handed over the COVETED certified birth certificate to the lady... got out all my supporting documents and papers. FAIL. I have NO supporting documents for my name WHICH IS STILL CARRIE WILLIAMS (YES I KNOW!) My birth certificate DOESN'T COUNT!!!
I need my marriage certificate, which I have ZERO idea where it is (yes I KNOW!!!!!!) SO I have to order it. Or I can give them a doctors report (not bill or receipt) that is LESS than four years old AND has the name Carrie Williams-- forget that I have been Carrie Thompson for 14 years!
SO finally with my childhood immunizations records helped (my mom is better at paperwork than I am), which is some good that has come from immunizations! The records allowed me to get a paper that VERIFIED that it is my number (which explain to me how you can verify it is my number but NOT be able to give me a card) Anyhoo!
So no social security card-- still gotta get that! But back to the DMV with my free pass to the front of the line to get a ticket to get in line AND my verification AND my certified birth certificate.
So they took that! WHEWWWWW. I got my ticket to get in line with all my documents and they even pushed me to the FRONT of that line!!!! WHOO HOO.
So I got up the the counter, PROUDLY gave the lady all my documents and she said this says Carrie Williams, who is Carrie Thompson? UM I AM. NO actually I am NOT. She cannot recognize me as Carrie Thompson-- SO as I am crying... seriously. I said fine just do it as Carrie Williams. After I get my marriage certificate to get my social security card to get my NAME back I will go re do my license!!!!!
SO I passed my written test- barely! I am scheduled for my driving test for next week and I have a headache.
I have run the goverment gamete! I have NO one to blame but myself FOR not having my documents--- but to be fair I did take the documents that were originally asked for and I DO already have a license that was issued documents I had before.
SO in the next few weeks we are getting social security cards, ALL certified birth certificates, passports made and BLOOD SAMPLE TAKEN AND GIVEN TO A LAB TO KEEP FOREVER.....
So bet you didn't know all that about me. PLEASE TELL ME SOMETHING AWFUL ABOUT YOURSELF... I need to feel better!