Thursday, June 23, 2011

What did I accomplish????

school-- we need to DEFINITELY do history and science. We also need to work on Bible so I can finish up the book soon. We need to finish up our Midwestern states study, because it has lasted 1 week and 3 days longer than it was supposed to! I have a little bit of lesson plans done but REALLY need to concrete them for the next 6 weeks!

work on VBS stuff

I have a CT scan on Monday morning  my follow up appointment is July 1!  Pray for good results or at least answers!
Tuesday is Flag Day and I hoped to do some activities with that

Thursday I am keeping a friends kiddoes for a few hours in the morning and we will be doing a few activities with them

Saturday we are driving to Austin for the day

I have to catch up on laundry-- the kids "found" a bunch of clothes in their rooms that had not apparently been washed! Plus I need to do sheets and misc blankets

I need to start cleaning out stuff for a possible garage sale--which even if that doesn't happen I still need to clean out!

I need to put my menu and shopping list together for Thursday

I need to order and return library books to both Houston and Harris county

I need to move pictures from both the laptop and my desktop to the external hard rive.. just haven't done it in a while and noticed how many pictures needed to be updated while looking for one earlier

I need to finalize Sea World plans on Thursday

I also need to finalize Matt's bday party plans for the 26th

I need to find a babysitter for the 28th-- (hint hint grandparents reading this)

I also would like to make sure to take the kids swimming at moms house...

I need to mop... I mop the kitchen often but the rest of the house not so much! I am going to give Emily a sponge and put her in her bathing suit-- good plan, huh!

I need to remember to have FUN with my kids and occasionally be the YES mom.

I need to deal with some Lego League stuff also and get the fundraising letters out, soo we can pay for this league!

I would love to find Matt at least two more pairs of shorts at a thrift store but am having trouble and looking takes time! {{{sigh}}}

I would also like to send some of my newest picture shots to Snap fish so I can see print quality!


I also grocery shopped (two stores) and saved a total of    %, dollar wise that is 54.00 in savings!  The only thing I bought NOT on my list were a few extras of some chips and cereal that were on sale and an ice cream snack for the kids.

Cleaned out Emily's bookshelf and found a number of books a friend needed.

Dealt with a leaking ceiling which turned out to be an easy fix-- thankfully!

Had an unexpected night at home along with hubbie-- be are really big spenders!  We got two Little Ceasars Pizza's and tea from McDonald's.  Later we went out and tried to get a dessert but ended up with a pint of ice cream from Walgreen's!  We watched HULU and went to bed!  WOW... look at us party!

in addition to just life in general!  Hope y'all are having productive summers too!


  1. yeah...the bookshelf part was my favorite. :)

    What a date night! You wild animals. Going to Walgreens at all hours of the night!!! :)

  2. The bookshelf part was my favorite part! :)

    Also, you guys are such party animals! Going to Walgreens at all hours of the night! :)
