Wednesday: Day 1
We started off our day by studying the daily lives of the vikings, we saw their lifestyle, folklore, how they ate, slept and educated their children. HA we saw How to Train Your Dragon! It was at the dollar movie! Love that movie!
We did history at Amy's house:
I taught on the second great awakening.. George G Finney was responsible for a large majority of this huge revival that swept our nation. Unlike the first Great Awakening whereas people had turned from God because of everyday hardships... this Great Awakening was meant to SAVE people in hoards... this was more like preaching the Roman Road. In addition this started a huge wave of social reform... there were large groups started against slavery, groups for temperance and groups against Woman's liberation. It swept through Yale University at the time and over 300 were saved.
Out of the many denomination like Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians were given HUGE boosts in numbers and everyday farmers in the South were getting the "call" from God to become lay ministers and were being ordained and sent out. This is basically responsible for forming what we call the Bible Belt down here in the south.
Other denominations were started at this time... one being Seventh Day Adventist and parts of the Church of Christ.
One other things to come out of this revival were circuit preachers....
We also studied Daniel Boone and put a lap book together on his life!
The kids also did math and worked on getting our notebooks ready for next "year" and cleaning out our folders and stuff.. they are READY for new work!
Thursday: Day 2
We actually got up at a decent time and did a few chores!
The kids did math, and we checked it {{{gasp}}} and corrected right then and there. I know a novel concept!
We finished Jonah and the Whale in Bible and did a hide and seek worksheet-- it was VERY hard!
The kids also watched a Jonah movie.
We worked through a spelling list. This is 2nd grade obviously MANY easy words. We simply went one by one and had each child spell a word. Emily had CONVULSIONS with the word as but spelled beautiful fine (she just missed the a) CRAZY! Matt spelled all his words fine and Kate missed caterpillar of all words using an er at the end instead of ar.
I had them write the words they missed 5 x each. I will add THOSE words onto tomorrow's list and we shall press on!
We did two lessons in All About Spelling and reviewed all the rules from All About Spelling 1.
We watched Chisum with John Wayne-- Matt was SOO excited to see TWO outlaws in the movie- Billy the Kid and Jesse James (who he had just read a biography on)
We also worked on our Swimming Creatures..
we did review cards for chapters 1-3
Started chapter 4! TURTLES .... I love turtles!
Emily patched.
We also did our Logic the kids played Rush Hour and Mind benders.
We celebrated Matt's birthday today... we ate breakfast at McDonald's- Matt's choice
We swam at Ma Ma's and ate lunch at Cici's - Matt's choice!
Pa Pa picked up Matt for a night over at the grandparents--- air soft guns, go karts, KFC and Pa Pa's undivided attention!
My husband's family is related to Jesse James. His MeeMaw told us once about a cousin of hers who was married into the James family.
We're famous. And have outlaw in our blood! :)
do you guys 'school' year round?
brenda... *giggle*
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