Monday, August 29, 2011

One Thousand Gifts.. A practice in Gratitude- 12

327.  for a paycheck, and for wisdom to use it wisely
328.  for two excited children showing me their nature find
329. for the sound of the back door squeaking.... kids playing outside
330.  kids understanding about no donut hole monday...
331. little girl with wild morning hair and sleep eyes
332. tennis shoes lasting a few more weeks
333. sleeping on fresh, clean sheets last night
334. dinner out with friends
335. breakfast with just Emily this morning-- girl talk
336. sweet little toes in my face this morning
337. splashes, sun and swimsuits
338. a  morning all to myself
339. loved one coming out of surgery fine
340. a blessing being able to barter with services instead of money
341. for a special two days with my girl and seeing the joy of meeting new friends
342. a dad at home willing to work on school things with the kids
343. paper airplanes shown by an excited son when I walked in the door...
344. driving for the first time in a LONG time by myself (for a long ways)
345. a lost library book found that I don't have to pay for
346. a laptop to use for the kids extra school stuff-- a scheduling blessing
347.  a great coupon trip
348. rocky road icecream
349. a new recipe that hubbie likes
350. friends..
351. being able to bless a friend by doing her a BIG favor (Becky-- I love you!)
352. my new came3ra

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