We are still working through our Survival Guide book... we are almost done but behind on our verse memorization. the kids know them pretty well but are not doing well with reference. So this week we are buckling down and working on WHERE the verses they have memorized are in the Bible .
They are reviewing their cards, reviewing with each other and we have tried playing a few games to review. I gave a "verse" test on Friday and they have made a lot of progress!
We should finish this by the end of next week. After that we will start our New Testament study--- which I am VERY excited about! We will focus on the Life OF JESUS.
I need to find new devotionals for the kids so am searching the wide world web for ideas.
Matt and Kate are on lesson 14--- we will begin hitting this harder. I don't really care that we are behind but still want to just move through it, so I will do this 3 to 4 times a week instead of 2-3 times
We have started paragraphs and discussed main ideas and topic sentences.
Emily- likewise
All About Spelling:
We are on STEP 15. I would also like to keep this flowing so moving on! I have seen improvement in Emily's spelling but still not in Matt--- I am unsure what to do at this point (BRENDA- any clue?)
Math- we are doing review worksheets printed out from Math U right now and will order their new books after November 1... we are also drilling flashcards (have been since before the move) and playing math games!
History--- this has been sooo put on hold but hopefully next week we will get back on track. We have finished Uncle Tom's Cabin and listened to Abraham Lincoln and the Heart of America by Jim Weiss. We are now starting as a read aloud Across Five Aprils and Kate and Matt will be reading My Brother Sam is Dead.
Other subjects: any other subject has REALLY been put on hold as I have struggled to only do the basics if any.. but this week we started back up with our ARTIST study and COMPOSER study--
art: We are learning about Fredric Remington and working on making a sculpture using plaster mold and then painting it...
Music: Our composer is Franz Liszt...(LIST- for those uninformed peeps who don't know how his name is pronounced--- I HAD TO GOOGLE IT.) feel. so. uncultured.
Skills: we are still not doing skills but this week we are working on our NEW schedule, routines and chore charts for the new house! Even when I don't keep a schedule or routine perfectly ... it is still there in the background... helping me keep things in check... so I am ready to get back to it!
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