Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sunday Sum Up: Day 156-160 (still playing catch up-- this should have gone out THIS Sunday!)


we had our busy day with theater AND history....

Emily is doing really well and I really like a lot of the ladies-- I am sure it will get harder as we get closer but thankful that we have 11 more rehearsals until the big day!

I am teaching for the next 5 chapters in history and that will lead us up to World War I...

today I covered Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson and we also studied about the culture of the day: dress, home, jobs, political climate and people like Dwight L. Moody and Fanny Crosby.

We watched a movie called The One and Only Genuine Original Family Band

we also watched An American Tail

when we got home from Amy's the kids did math and Latin.


We slept in a little and then the kids went for a swim (PE right!)  we had lunch and started school after lunch.  I want to say again that I like after lunch school (thank you Brenda!)

We read from Little Women
We did our Bible and review
We started math-- which ended up taking a LONG time!

The kids read

and then I started working on the school room and no other school got done--but I am ready for tomorrow and have my copying done and flashcards ready so I feel good.

Plus I folded a ton of laundry this morning and did two loads of dishes... so lots got done!


the kids swam early- they got too much sun yesterday. 

We started school with our new spelling exercises.  They went over smashingly (insert sarcasm)

I worked on a money review with the girls and started Matt and Kate writing out their vocab cards...

My morning is so far NOT going as planned as we have veered from our usual things we do and I don't have a handle on how long these added activities will take yet.  But we are pressing on!

I had the girls glue their vocab words/ pictures onto a card for reviewing also.

We watched part of An American Tail again during lunch!

We read Little Women

We did Bible and English.

We also started reading about Frank Lloyd Wright as our newest artist.

We also did logic.


We had theater--- costuming is a lot of work and I am not even doing the majority of the work! 

This is Emily's paper she filled out for theater that I got a picture of.. I find it hilarious that she answered YES to telling the director something! 

After theater we came home and did a little school. 

later that day Kaitlin and I went to the 4H County meeting.  Kate had a lot of fun!


We had school-- we did spelling, English, math, Bible, read Little Women and the kids got to swim.

Later that evening we went to the LOCAL 4H meeting--- Kaitlin go elected as a county delegate (which means that she goes to all the district meetings and takes notes and comes back to report to her local meeting) 

This is her doing her "speech" on why she wants to be on the leadership team- (take note of the current president, he sure doesn't look interested!)  :0)  -- we also need to discuss STANCE!  :0)

Here is the entire LaPorte 4 H council for next year-- Sarah Tindall made president!

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