Monday, July 2, 2012

math games....

If you are currently a home schooler and NOT on Pinterest well, I just don't understand!  It is wonderful!  Just having the INTERNET at our disposal is wonderful enough, but to already have all these wonderful sites PINNED and marked is awesome!

Here are a few of the math games I have either been having the girls use or plan to use with the girls soon....

I am trying to link up with orginal links... if you find anything to be unfairly linked please let me know and I will change it.  ;-)

I have, Who has ... Place Value  (this is like the game Wrap Around that we enjoy so much!)
100 mile dash

online MATH GAMES..
a baseball mulitplication practice sight...  NO ads attached to this or links off of it.
a timed test where you can print out an award when you are done.  :0) no ads or links off of this page.
timed test-- harder and very challenging you are given the answer and must tell what two numbers mulitply to equal it. 
mulitplication== SUM SENSE also challenging. no links off this

Domino Math sheet download from website  First Grade School Box
Card Games Math---


Double this
= download (I am thinking to change these numbers and use it for any math area you are working on.   for instance you could use higher numbers in the bubbles and mulitply every number by 7's or 9's?  Here is the  link for instructions... once you go to this link just scroll down until you get to  DOUBLE THIS for the instructions. 

Elimination gameboard
Elimination directions

Multiplication GO FISH
Multiplication RACING RECTANGLES (works on multiplying and finding area!)
Gain or Loss  addition/ subtraction game directions
Gain or Loss print out sheet you do have to sign up for a site for this free down can easily make this sheet to play this game with out it.
Math Toss- interesting... seems a little timely to set up but you could keep changing the numbers making them larger and get use our of the idea for any operation you choose and the kids are DOING something.

MATH WAR GAMES with deck of cards
Lets Play Math blog-- lots of stuff!
    20+ things to do with a 100 chart

a few math apps for the IPhone I have found:
Math races LITE APP
Burn Your Brain APP
Make 24 Lite APP

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