Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Artist: Frank Lloyd Wright

One of my favorite architects in the world!  I love his buildings.  I love the Robie House, I love Falling Water and desperately want to SEE it in person!  I love the Guggenheim Museum in New York-- again I want to SEE it in person!  I mean I want to go to the MET, but I also want to go to the Guggenheim!  I loved that it was in Mr. Poppers Penguins!

On a side note in my research found out some disturbing things about Mr. Wright!  He left his wife and 6 children, met and lived with another lady and came her with her children and built Taliesin in Chicago.  A servant murdered the lady, her two children and 4 other servants!  A year lady Mr. Wright met another woman whom he "lived" with and after divorcing his first wife, married her but soon divorced her too.  Finally he met some from Yugoslavia and they were married and had a child and he was seemingly happy and they lived in Taliesin West which is in Arizona.


Anyhoo... so onto what we learned about his ART!

WE studied his home, his style "Prairie Style", what he brought to architecture and about his life.

We made our own "stained glass" using:

We learned architecture terms like "gable", "hip", "mansard", "ribbon style windows" and went outside to observe homes in the neighborhood to see if we could recognize any!

Emily was still in her pajama's so she stayed indoors.  :0)
We used curriculum from

We enjoyed learning about Frank Lloyd Wright and are now ready to move onto our next American artist! Only one more before we start the Impressionist for our next school year!

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