Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Sum Up: Week 4 2012-2013

{day 45-49}

We had another really good week... I am currently a little behind (Mary Bear was sick on Monday and that through us off a bit) BUT not much and I can easily make it up I think! 
Emily has rocked multiplication this past week!  I am really proud of her! 
The girls have learned about Sumerians and The Tower of Babel.
We read some books for history...
One of them was I Am the Mummy HebNefert by David Christiana
It was really good, and descriptive of life in Egypt, burial and a little about their beliefs. 
 It opened the door of discussion AS ALL GOOD BOOKS SHOULD!
We re read Katie Meets the Impressionist:
One of my FAVORITE art series books!  In the next few weeks we plan to make a trip to the art museum and the girls will be able to SEE a few of the paintings themselves!
For science we learned about Primates:
the girls wrote information about the three groups that make up primates on a notebooking page WHICH I am loving this year!  We have used them off and on over the years but I am using them every chance I get this year and really, really like it. Great for review, for keeping an ongoing diary of what you are learning and to help cement the facts!
The girls memory verse from last week was 2 Cor. 5:17 
Here is their test (I don't count spelling although I am NOW having them use it for part of their copy work so I am hoping spelling will get better simply by that action!)
 Doesn't "creacun" make you laugh! 
OH here is another spelling mistake that made me laugh...
(don't think that my laughing doesn't some days cover my tears and frustration... because I have Tons of those moments, but this week I decided to take it all in  stride and just keep pressing on!)
 "facks"   They each picked a mammal to research and write some FACTS about. 
We made ice cream in a bag this week.. the kids wanted ice cream and I said I had no money to go buy any but that they could make their own and they did JUST THAT!  On their own.  I gave them the recipe and they came back with ice cream!
the top picture was Emily jumping to shake up the ice cream MINUTES before the bag broke open and ice cream went.. YOU guessed it, everywhere!
Kate and Matt finished Module 1 last week and this week we did all the questions and review...
 they were hard at word!!!

Here is Emily reciting her first three verses for this school year. 

Kate and Matt have been hard at work too.  We had a "communication" problem with Matt on what he DOES and DOES not need to do school work wise but I think we have CLEARLY communicated that to him now. :0)

Their second IEW lesson went great... I just wanted to say that without prompting of "dress ups" (adjectives or adverbs) or use of synonyms.. by son wrote a sentence that included the phrase "scourge of the ocean".  I don't think he will have a problem with writing!  :0)

Kate has completely two vet lessons so far.. one on communicable deceases and one on feeding.  YEAH!

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