Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Sum Up: Week 5 2012-2013

{day 50-54}

I feel like we had a weird, unproductive week.  We played catch up a little from last week because we had a sick day and we also had park day with the home school group.. BUT, still I feel more behind than I should.   However, I am taking it all in stride, because I KNOW the kids learned and that is what matters... NOT a schedule or lesson plan.
(((repeat to myself multiple times daily)))
So Monday...
the girls had a TEA party to end our Anne of Green Gables unit... THIS has taken much longer than anticipated and really it was my fault!  I just didn't get it done!  But I learned a valuable lesson....
Remember that the lesson learned from a story, novel, curriculum etc. is not always what you expect and be ready to change your way of thinking if THEY are learning.. period!
I had a lesson plan that I expected to accomplish and an idea of some character training that could take place from discussion of the book.  BUT my daughter went another way and something reached her that I didn't even pick up in the book ( as far as thinking it was a lesson)... she asked me not to share but what it was but just wanted you to know to BE FLEXIBLE.
We accomplished little this day.. well Kate and Matt did but Emily and I only managed to get exactly what we HAD to get done!
The girls had their pre test for spelling and Emily spelled -- afraid--- right.  I was really surprised and I asked how she knew to spell it right and she said well I know how to spell -- first AID--- and I said well okay then.. inside I did a little jig.  We are going over spelling rules with All About Spelling BUT we are also doing Spelling Workout Press and I have see improvement!!! 
We started a new bible verse...
He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will
be at home among the wise.  
Prov 15:31
We are talking (both families) about the girls desiring correction... so we decided to use this verse this week...
We read the story of Gilgamesh for history!  LOVE this story.. it is one of my favorite!  The girls could recognize each time that the "STORY" held a component of a biblical event.  I loved seeing them recognize and we talked about How the BIBLE was written BY God and we want to trust His story above all others... 
Thursday we had park day with our home school group... we were late because we did school UP TO THE last minute we could.. but we still got to go!
I got to lunch with friends today.. always a special treat.  The kids stayed home and did their school and chores -- well some of them did!  Hmmm.
We had a our Keepers of the Home meeting!!!

We worked on tie quilts and made sympathy cards for a friend in the home school group who just lost his grandmother...  it was a good meeting!
AND that wrapped up our week...Next week I hope to be able to report a TON more school work being done though!  :0)

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