Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas on the prairie...

Emily is reading Little House on the Prairie (((sigh)))
I could not be happier!  I love this series and I love the TV show and I think I could
have been happy living in that time period-- minus wars and adding Sonics!
The girls started off making a hanker chief doll.
You take a piece of material ( a hanker chief if you want!) and fold it in half, stuff about 5-6 cotton balls in the very center (making the head) and tie with string. Next, you tie a section on each side of the head making the arms.  Finally, you add an apron if wanted. 
We actually used the hanker chief part for the apron.

Next, we strung popcorn and cranberries on a garland... the girls really seemed to enjoy this. 
I think if I had put on a movie and let them watch while they strung, they would have kept doing it. 
But they were anxious to move onto the next activity.

We enjoyed a spice cake for a snack and each girl got to take home a spice cake too.
and last we used Sharpies ( I KNOW they did not have Sharpies!)
to draw and decorate on porcelain ornaments.  
Yes, those are a few of my Sharpies.  I am a little obsessed.
My mom also took Kate and Emily to see A Little House Christmas at Mainstreet Theater
Background, L-R: Peter (Chioke Coreathers) and Nick (Curtis
Barber); middle, seated L-R: Ma (Amy Garner Buchanan), Nellie (Claire
Anderson), and Mrs. Oleson (Zona Jane Meyer); front, seated on floor, L-R: Mary
(Lauren Dolk) and Laura (Natalie Pawalek) in A Little House Christmas (2012)
Photo credit: Kaitlyn Walker ( got this photo off the Mainstreet Theater Page.. I have no other link to Kaitlyn Walker)
the girls got their picture taken with the cast but I cannot get to those pics right now!  ARRGGG.  :0)
I am excited to see Miss Nelson is Missing, in a few weeks... (one of my ALL TIME favorite books as a child)

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