Monday, January 7, 2013

the post where I....

am annoyed because I had set a goal to blog each day this year (lofty I know!) and our Internet has been down for days and days and days.  (if you know me IRL this is a hardship, truly). 

So I am starting off this years post while sitting in my sisters office while Kate is in choir!  Internet! YEAH!
I have another post that I had started pre-Internet down, but decided I will post it next.

So Happy New Year.  Can you believe that it is 2013?  I cannot.  I am in shock.  I wrote my first check of the new year at choir this morning and printing 2-0-1-3 was just overwhelming to me.  I mean this year feels like it flew by!!!   I realized a few weeks ago that this year Emily would turn 10 and I would NO LONGER HAVE A CHILD in single digits..... (((sigh))).  It hit me hard.  I want to tell Dave if we got busy we could have another single digit before Christmas THIS year... but I don't think he is going to go for it!  I think I could count the puppy as a single digit, right?  NOT quite the same!

I have big plans this year... I always have big plans of course but this year they aren't so big that maybe I CAN accomplish them!  Its the hope anyway.

My WORD of the year is going to be PERSPECTIVE.  I have chosen this word for multiple reasons.  But I think for right now it works for me.  It is truly a gift from God in many ways.... I kept reading posts about peoples WORDS of the year and I was getting down because I just wasn't coming up with one... I guess I wasn't feeling it!  I would literally read signs going down the road and hope something would pop out at me.. speaking to me.  It didn't happen. But sitting at the table with Emily the other day, reminding her to have perspective (something I have gotten in the habit of saying often to her lately) and I thought THAT speaks to my heart too..... so perspective it is!

Two goals besides the (GOAL 1)post daily goal (I know you are still laughing Brenda)

Cook breakfast daily (or at the very lease be purposeful in setting out breakfast-- meaning it might be cereal but I have to get the bowls out, spoons out milk and cereal... and SIT at the table!  I will say that I am on day 7 and doing great.... really loving it!

We have had pancakes/ sausage muffins, a french toast bake, waffles, eggs and sausage, cereal (one morning but they went with nutella muffins I made the night before) fried egg sandwich and biscuits from scratch (which turned out pretty darn good!)

School well. (I know this is very wide, large goal and what does it really mean, right?)  Well I am no longer school Mary Faith -- which is a good thing IMHO and of course moves that stress off of me!  However one good thing that came of schooling Mary Faith was simply accountability!  I had someone dropping off a kid three days a week that needed schooling... I had to do it!  So I want to keep up with how well we have been schooling and not allow myself to be a slacker!

I will post more on this later...

I gotta run to pick up Kate though in a minute and leave the Internet (sadly) so I will post more next time I am near a building with Internet!  :0)

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