My themes will not be far-fetched. I will tell of homely every-day phenomena and adventures. -- Henry David Thoreau
Saturday, February 2, 2013
a little jig....
I am doing the Internet jig! I won't show you what it looks like, but believe you, ME, I am doing it!
We have not had Internet here for over 6 weeks! The first almost three it was down and the other almost three was simply letting AT&T go and switching to Comcast!
Whoop whoop!
Doing the jig again!
I had started 2013 with the best intentions of THIS being THE year I blogged daily! That of course didn't happen, simply TOO difficult to handle on my phone and pictures..... were even harder.
So WHAT has happened in these past 6 weeks.
Kaitlin made Regions!!!!
Matt started Saxon Algebra 1/2
I got another kidney thing, but feeling better!!!
My sister got in TWO minor wrecks-- she is fine!
Washington has gone to hell in hand basket!-- Don't even get me STARTED!
It is award season-- which simply tends to irritate me. I think their huge paychecks is award enough-- but I think it is great when the same people who criticize capitalism are such huge recipients of it!
Riley is bigger.
I went to the gym!
We realized that we CAN not watch TV for 6 weeks. We did however watch a lot of movies!
I made a felt wreath, which is pretty!
Dave worked a fair amount extra-- BOO.
I didn't go to Disney world even though my parents and sister were all there--- BOO.
I saved money, both by NOT going to Disney world and also by putting into action our new budget!
I rearranged the pantry.
I made biscuits from scratch!
We went on a field trip to the aquarium.
I cleaned Emily's room-- majorly! Then I promptly banned her from setting foot in it. She is now allowed some access. :0)
I caught the kids up on our Timeline for Sonlight--- Whew!
I reworked the chore system.
I organized ALL our bills, papers etc.
I put away Christmas and left out winter, then I took down winter and put out Valentines stuff.
I bought a new pair of jeans.
I shopped with Emily for her new dress to wear to the Father/ Daughter Valentines Dance... FUN!
Okay... I really cant think of anything else! And I am sure you are glad to KNOW all I already mentioned!
What have YOU done the past 6 weeks???
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