Saturday, March 2, 2013

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'... Update #1

Well we have done a lot of rollin', well hubbie has, I mostly cut in.  The living area, TV/ dining room and kitchen are all mostly done- sans one wall of a darker color.  Which will be done this week hopefully!

I am pretty well pleased with the results!  I cant wait to keep going!

Before: the before walls are a sage like green and here are our paint samples! 

more green... you can see it wraps around the kitchen furloughs... upstairs is a orangy/tan color which will be gone eventually too!  :0)

the other side of the living area.


it is all gray--- I obviously had not cut in at this point.  :0)

the wall with the vent is going to be a darker gray (this still has to be done)

and Brenda-- I was brave!!!  This is a teal "ish" color.  Doesn't look bright though-- it is beautiful! 
And here is the kitchen being done:

and done!

Kate's room:   this would be Kate's room-- we stacked her corner shelves on top of each other to take up less space and moved her bed to the corner....  She has A LOT more room.

and in case you couldn't tell unloaded her shelves in her closet and totally cleaned it out... She is cleaning up the concrete to lay vinyl tile in her closet because we ripped out the carpet (it had a built in shoe rack so once we took that out the carpet only went halfway through the closet-- (((sigh)))

Lets just say that Daddy helped her USE fractions in every day math on this day to lay the flooring. 

Under the stairs:  Riley's station!  We moved her to the other side and put her bed there... plus added this shelve thing to the wall to hold all her stuff.  I love it!


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