Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013


We did not attend church this Easter.  I don't actually recall if it is the first time we have not been in a service on Easter, but it is surely one of the VERY, VERY few times.  We thought about just attending somewhere for Easter Morning-- but I detest THAT person.  So we did not.  We had our own little celebration and Monday I made a plan to spend a little more time with Emily on the conversation as she was not clear on ALL the details and I obviously want her to be!  She understands clearly about Jesus and salvation (etc), but more the timeline of what happened when.. so we will work on a timeline this week. 

Kaitlin wanted to dye eggs so we did... Matt and Emily got in on the fun after it was started!  It was so calm.  I don't know if it is their age or (my new no yell challenge - more to come), but it was calm.  I just got to sit and snap a few pictures, help a little, talk and laugh..


Some holidays (parts not the whole) I don't always enjoy

I make it too stressful,
I don't plan well enough,
or have the money to do as my heart desires,
or don't get things done,
or put too much on my plate

But this year didn't happen that way... and I am thankful.

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