Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sunday Sum Up: Week 27-29 2012-2013 The Wrap up where I let you know whats going on, but in reality, shows I am ready for summer!!!


Well I had the kids do work with mom while we were gone to Austin so last week was not a complete wash.  Kaitlin even did some work there in Austin while she was on the trip.  She was able to work on science and her math.  Of course we are so far behind on her math it is not funny.    Anyhoo.   We had a NON existent Monday because we were at choir audition pretty much till after 1:30 and had to come home, get copy paper and run a few errands.  When we walked in the door at 3:00.. I laid down!  But got up and was able to get a head start on THIS

situation.   We worked some on it Monday night and got the kids up on Tuesday and really buckled down.  We of course rearrange the whole room--well not the whole room, but a lot of it!  My "idea" is to use the school room-- novel I know!  We are having such a hard time getting the kids to STAY on TASK with their school work, distractions etc that I decided we would just all do our work in the school room!   This went over well with Emily and Matt, not so much with Kaitlin (but she likes to listen to music while she works and this nixes that), but I told her if she showed progress in getting things accomplished in a timely manner we could reevaluate the arrangement again before this fall.   We got all three desks back upstairs, arranged so that the kids each have their own little area "ish" and tried to accommodate their "wants"...

 I ended up in the middle of the room, with my computer on a bookcase.. we will see how long this last. :0(  Typing is annoying.    Anyway... we didn't actually get started on any work until around 2:00.. but we hit it hard while we worked and accomplished a fair amount!  Emily has stayed on track (slightly) and her bedtime has only been pushed up to 7:30 so I guess it is a good day!  :0) Just kidding.  I was a little tough today, but we just need to get back on track and I need them to understand MAMA is not messing around.    So by the time we were finished with school it was almost 6:00.  I haven't even started a load of laundry today.  So we will have to tweak this system a little.  I think I am going to put a bell up there and IF I leave and someone is being distracted the other person can ring the bell. I am not a big TATTLE TELLER kind of mom.. but I am hoping it will help during this transition.  

Okay.  I typed this LAST Tuesday I think.  WHICH some how seems ions ago.  Dave had off Monday through Wednesday.  We had a field trip and had lunch with FAMILY!!!  Tuesday and Wednesday we got some work done, but not ENOUGH.  However, Dave did catch up Matt on his tests for Saxon and worked with him quite a bit which was good.  Thursday evening we learned a close friend had died in a car accident... Friday we ended up at my sisters to have the kids just be together.  Saturday is the lost day ( I cannot even tell you what happened!  Sunday and Monday were spent at visitation and funerals.  And that gets us to today.

See all my intentions are great.  Really, they are!

Emily finished her spelling.  I am stopping vocabulary and Latin after this week except for Kaitlin she will continue with Latin all through the summer.  I need her a certain place for the new year.

We will continue math, English for sure through the summer. 
Science the kids will be done next week.  I am not even starting Emily's insect unit.  I am just holding it. We might do it at some point in the the summer, if not we will start it next year, in less I find a curriculum I ADORE!

History.. the kids are still 4 weeks away, we are going to double up on the reading and stop reader comprehension questions... only covering the "history" questions and finish up our timeline.  So we should be done with that in under 2weeks.  I am not overly concerned because their curriculum for next year overlaps time periods... so we are good!

Bible we are done.  I have a devotion book for each child through the summer and just daily reading, but no other curriculum. 

logic- done
handwriting- done
typing- I want the kids to finish up the levels they are on and then they can do it is they want as a computer game.. but not mandatory.

Writing- will go on through the summer

I have reading lists for the kids over the summer-- plus just fun FLUFF reading!  We will pick a read aloud for the whole family. 

And sooo there is my plan, basically a lot will wrap up over the next 1-3 weeks.  Emily will only have math, English and writing... Kate and Matt will have math, English, writing and Kate will have Latin.  It will be at least 3 times a week as of right now. 

and PLAY.  Guilt free FREEDOM.  We have lots of freedom over the school year, but it is not always guilt free. 

I have June 18 as our official last day of school.  But I am redoing that.  I am counting the Teen Pact week as school, seriously.. Kate was WORKING all week and the kids worked a lot, did some school, all the "field trips" were based on sci stuff and did Friday at Teen Pact.  Not to mention that work they DID for the class in the first place.  So our NEW OFFICIAL last day of school IS..

 DRUM ROLL...Tuesday, JUNE 11!!!! 

Homemade chalk spray from Thrifty Fun


•4 Tbsp. cornstarch
•1 cup warm water
•drops of food coloring

1.In a medium bowl, combine cornstarch and water, stirring until mixture is smooth.
2.Add drops of any food coloring and mix well.
3.Pour mixture into small plastic spray bottle.
4.Shake bottle before using to break up clogs.
5.Use spray chalk to decorate sidewalks or snow. Or use it to create colorful sand sculptures at the beach.

Makes 1 cup.

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