Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday Sum Up: Week 29 part -31 2012-2013 DONE!!!


We have really had a year.  In some ways I think it is our best year for awhile, and in other ways I am disappointed.  I have to say I did love Sonlight.  The kids loved, loved, loved the reading.

 I always felt behind on the questions and even after dropping some of it ---Per reading what everyone else does... I still felt BAD and GUILTY.  I hate that. 

We really as far as school work goes had our butts kicked the first half of the year... I thought it was too much.  BUT, in reality, I was 1. schooling someone else child in addition and added alot onto myself doing it (although I do not regret it). 2. needed to give myself and the kids a little break as this was the first year we had done a curriculum of this kind.  and 3. I really don't think I understood (or better said, I didn't LIKE) "independent" schooling.  I wasn't ready to let go. 

After Christmas break I told a few people.. that we were just really struggling.. I had changed up some stuff, dropped some stuff, organized some stuff and truly was about at my wits end and coming back to school in Jan. I was very discouraged.  But two weeks into the second semester.. THINGS just seemed to drop into place.  It was like a different school day...

Of course we switched the kids maths and started awhole other issue but again that has worked itself out for the most part.  The kids acclimated to the school load and to the "way" the curriculum's worked.  I don't know how smart it is to start a DIFFERENT entire curriculum next year, but I am pretty unhappy with some of Sonlights book choices and instead of "filling and changing" things I am trying a curriculum that is a  pretty even mix between~Sonlight and WHAT we have done in the past... so I am thinking I might be really happy! 

The other bonus is that ALL three kids will be on exactly the same topic!  LOVE me some themes!!!

Anyway.  We will have our summer schooling, pretty much 3 days a week, with a week off here and there, GUILT FREE is my big thing!  I will push through and make an awesome effort to stick to the schedule, but I also am planning rest, relaxation, FUN stuff, self led learning, things we want to do but don't get to, and of course time with family and friends!

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