Thursday, January 9, 2014

Throwback Thursday...

We cleaned out our attic last weekend-- it's a big attic and lots of treasures were found...

But I thought I would forever encapsulate the awesomeness of these pictures by entombing them on my blog....

This is for all of posterity... 

But the best is for last.....

Yes, folks there is a feather boa involved.

Okay I am done now. 


  1. Oh my goodness.... haha

    BUT you know you had long hair when I met you! way way back when. It feels like a long time!

  2. your oldest looks JUST like you!!!!

  3. Yep--Kate.
    Also your hair was pretty! It's pretty now too but what a difference!!
    And I really wish I knew where my glamour shots we're!!
