Wednesday, February 12, 2014

AD Players:Diary of Anne Frank

We were invited by friends to usher for the AD Players and if you usher you get to see the play for free-- bonus, you also get free tickets for another play!

The play we ushered for was The Diary of Anne Frank--- it was so good.  I was very impressed with how they handled such heavy materiel.  

It was of course sad... But so inspiring.  To be honest I had not read the book since I was probably Anne's age myself-- 12 or 13... And I wished I had re-read it before the play.  But the most striking thing I realized that as I child I had sided with Anne and reconciled the story with my own "childish" view point.... As an adult I saw it from a whole other viewpoint.. A PARENT.   What fear there must have been for those parents for what would happen to their children.  I can't even begin to imagine.  But I think the true hero of the story is Mr. Frank--- 

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