Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Sum Up: March 3-7

I am not even going to attempt to catch up for last weeks blog- mostly because nothing happened.  I had such severe migraines this week that past Tuesday I didn't even leave the house until Sat morning...  it was just a week of school at home, basic needs being met and medication! 


We didn't go to choir because the girls lost it for being behind--- this ended up up being a blessing in disguise as my headache was pretty bad.

We got a decent amount of school done though.  Emily finished up her quiz on the crusades... 

She read The Making of a Knight and we looked up this fun song....


We did get to Kate's art and sign... I was able to go vote! But beyond that and school I was done! 

Emily parked at the zoo during art and watched Heidi.... 


Just stayed home and did school, slept and attempted to keep food down-- :0( 


More of the same!  The kids worked at getting caught up on reading assignments.  

Emily and I are reading The Morningstar of the Reformation out loud together-- 

This is after we watched a few you tube videos on the atom.  I love the internet! 

Kate reading The Awakening of Europe and Emily is reading Genghis Khan.

Matt is reading his Bible--- 

I went to sleep around 1:30 and woke up to the kids gone---mom had come gotten them and taken them to eat dinner and brought dinner home to Dave- such a blessing. 


We got school done and that was about it...I slept and rested a lot... 

By Friday evening I was feeling better--- still a pretty bad migraine but so much better.  By Safurday morning it was a much better -- even shopped with mom for Emily's  boots...

Made a crockpot dinner and cleaned a little but otherwise just laid around in bed... Which I am sure will happen Sunday  too... I hope to completely knock this out... Before we start the week all over again! 

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