Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Virginia Day 7

We headed to Indianapolis... I still felt pretty bad, but a whole lot better than I did for sure!

The kids and I had gone through Indianapolis on our way to Chicago a few years ago and definitely remembered the children's museum... So they wanted to go back! Off we went...

This is by far the COOLEST Children's museum I have ever seen!  For one it is HUGE... Massive!  For another it just has the coolest displays! 

We didn't have a whole lot of time so when we got the map of the museum we circled what the kids specifically wanted to be sure to see-- and rated them.. So we got to them in order of how bad they wanted to see them... That allowed is to concentrate on what they wanted to spend their precious moments on--- we could have easily stayed all day! 

Just walking in is impressive!

And once in the lobby ...there was a 6-7 story Transformer!! So cool!!

Once we left we were headed to Springfield, Illinois and all things Lincoln!! 

We got to see his house before he left for Austin, his law office and many statues!! Finally we headed for his grave-- I was expecting some pomp and ceremony, but nothing I imagined was as beautiful as it was--- it was so big and impressive and all marble inside... Very ornate and befitting...  Although I think he would have been happy with less. 

It was very moving walking through the memorial and through the tomb... 

We got there right as they were closing so we didn't get to stay long... And we needed to get to my Sarah girl!!! 

We had a wedding to get ready for...

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