Friday, September 5, 2008

5 Things list...

5 things on my to-do list tomorrow:

watch a movie
do the school that I need to catch the kids up on
bake a cake with the girls
have Fairy Tale Friday (on Saturday becuase we missed today)
wash my mountain of laundry

5 snacks I enjoy:

cold fruit
chocolate anything
cold leftover pizza
bar b q pringles
diet coke (does that qualify as a snack?)

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:

I would have a very large home school friendly PLACE for sports, meetings, club stuff, bookstore, classes ect!
I would have a house in Houston for homeschooling families, pastors, and other wonderful people to stay in when they need. It would be Bed and Breakfast style.
I would have a very large house, but not obnoxiously large, with housekeeper and I would hire a nutritionist/ fitness person to get me in shape!
I would of course pay off all our debt, put money in trusts, put money for college and do the same for all family members and a few other beloved people!
I would have to travel... travel and have a VERY nice VILLA at Disney World so all my friends could stay there when they needed to!!!!!

5 bad habits:

control issues
Yelling when frustrated even if not for a good reason!
money (spending badly)

5 places I have lived:

Webster, Tx
Houston, Tx
Pasadena, Tx
Arcola, Tx
do you see a pattern here....

5 jobs I've had:

Dairy Queen
Randalls (checker and floral department)
Party and More (hallmark store)

Send me your list!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carrie:
    What a fun list. That is a good way to get to know other bloggers even better.
    You had asked about my reading list for the kids this year.
    I just got that posted today. :0)
    I had been working on it and finally completed it.
    Your Labor Day outing looks like it was so much fun! My kids would love that.
