Saturday, September 6, 2008


"We are told, that when Antipater demanded of the Lacedonians fifty of their
children as hostages, they replied that they would rather surrender fifty of the
most eminent men in the state, whose princeiples were already formed, than
children to whom the want of early instruction would be a loss altogether

Mr. Francis'
Discourse on Errors in Education

I home school for so many reasons. I firmly believe in home schooling! I was talking to a friend the other day and she was telling me her story and how relatives have reacted to their decision to home school. She made a comment about how defensive people are when you tell them. The common reaction. I get it all the time, "Oh it is so great you do that, I (this is a very pronounced, somewhat drawn out I) could just never do it!" It is always said a certain way and if you respond in ANY way they pounce on you. They get very defensive. I do not understand this. It doesnt matter what I say at this point or even if I say anything at all. There is a wall that goes up and I feel like I did something wrong! Well I have in the past always tried to be politically correct when answering the question, but guess what it is MY BLOG!!!!!

Okay, here goes. I think sending your kid to school is basically not a good choice. I am generally surprised when people I love and respect choose to send their kids to public school. Now dont get me wrong...I don't think less of these people I am just surprised. I often wonder why stay at home moms dont just home school their kids? I understand when a family needs two incomes to survive, but I dont understand wanting two incomes at the expense of your kids? Now people might think I am being harsh but you know what so many people think the same harshness about my life choice- Why on Earth would you CHOOSE to home school. They talk trash about home schoolers! It is just not fair. I dont agree with their choice but I have never in my life told someone they are bad because they send their kids to school. But yet I have been called a number of names becasue I home school. So truth be told...people who send their kids to public school but have the option of home schooling baffle me.

I am all for live and let live...but I am tired of letting live and not being allowed to live! So lets all just all work on that, alrighty!

Gripe over...for now.


  1. Beautiful Comments. Hooray to you for doing a wonderful job with your children.

    That said, please don't lump all "traditional schooling" moms into a group, the way all "homeschooling moms" also hate being lumped in a group.

    Just like all of you are not religious zealots, or poor, or have socially inept children - all incorrect stereotypes of homeschoolers - We are not all cell-phone driven, t.v.-babysat, selfish people with over-privileged children. Also, incorrect stereotypes of us traditional schoolers.

    I admit, I have said, "That's great that you homeschool, but I could never do that." I TRULY respect homeschool moms. The same way I respect Kindergarten teachers, personal trainers, and airplane pilots. I know I could never do those jobs either. They take a certain personality, and I know that being a homeschool mom is just not in my personality. I am good at recognizing my limitations and I'm so glad for you and your children that you can homeschool them. Maybe I can't, maybe I just don't want to. It's like it would be for a personal trainer to look at me and say, You could lose 10 more pounds. Why wouldn't you want to? Yes I could do it if I would just get over the fact that it's inconvenient and not very fun. Yes it would probably end up being better for me. But I have to decide at some point where my sanity threshold will be tested. It is a matter of personal choice.

    Hey, I'm sorry you have gotten the shaft in the past. I too am sick of getting the shaft from people who think their decision is right and mine is wrong. My decision is just right for our family.

    rant over.

    The end.

    ps I hope you don't hate me now.

  2. Feel better?

    Seriously? I haven't had all that many negative reactions. Guess its cause I hang out with cool people like you!
