Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blah Blah Blog...

To my million of readers I am sorry. I have had a blah week!

I've got nothin! I feel completely blah. I have been pretty busy though. I tried to work on my rock placement, read here for more on that! I have done school with the kids, yeah! I have done stuff at home- cleaning, laundry etc. I hurt my toe (badly). I have limped and tried to keep off it some. It is looking better but all is not right! I did a little Christmas shopping. I havent done much else though! I mean blah week. So I will make it a point to blog for Fitness Friday and I might post again today after our Thanksgiving Feast for the support group. We will see!

Sorry for the blah!


  1. I like your blah blah. HOpe you are feeling better!

  2. Everyone is allowed a dose of blah every so often. See you this afternoon!

  3. Yay! I have missed "reading" you.
