Thursday, November 20, 2008

Okay, so more on my blah, blah day!

We went to our Thanksgiving Feast at our Home school support group. It was really good. Sometimes I dont like going to our gym days because I feel like the kids get to wild. Now if you attend our group and you are reading this, well to bad it's my blog! Anyway, today was really good! The kids played very constructively in my opinion, they got kindof wild playing tug of war but it was a good wild, if that makes sense. The moms actually got to chat and the kids put away almost all the tables and chairs by themselves! It was neat to watch them be responsible...I mean they are not demented or unsocialized....see
Joy's quotes from the View
which has put the home school community in an uproar! off soapbox--- the kids were kind, responsible, respectful and all the kids worked together no matter the age they were. That does not really happen in public school settings, there the kids interact with kids their own age.

Anyway... I feel less blah.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
