6:30 woke to bunch of doors, cant go back to sleep, checked email.
7:00 still laying in bed wishing I was one of
those people who can go back to sleep!
7:30 Get up, finally
cuz I am not going back to sleep and I might as well get up and do something useful, like CHECK MY EMAIL again,
cuz surely something happened between 2:00 am 6:30 when I replied to Margaret's email (wonder why she
wasnt sleeping?)
7:45 Get dressed, leave my room!
8:00 talk about starting breakfast but keep sitting down doing nothing chatting with my brother who spent the night last night!
8:30 start breakfast finally, but I burned the biscuits... turn off oven.
8:37 wonder why in the world the second batch of biscuits I am cooking wont get done already!
8:38 Um turned the oven off!
8:50 Finish breakfast- managed to turn out a pretty great fried egg over easy for Allison! Yeah- I usually break the yoke!
9:15 kids rose- make
Hubbie get up
9:50 clean up breakfast, check email for like the 10
th time today---Hey, important people talk to me!
10:00 send hubby on his way---To BUY MY NEW CAMERA!!!
10:20 get call from
hubbie that camera is not
on sell at Of
fice Max they
dont know what I am talking about....um it's Office Depot I respond sheepishly
11:00 Dave and
matt get to Hobby Airport for special plane show, my uncle is going to be flying in into hobby in one of his planes, this is a big deal. Hubby spends 15 dollars to get him and
matt into the show.
11:20 get phone call from Uncle that he cant land at Hobby today, the wind is to high, he is turning around.
Hmmm. wasted 15 dollars!
12:00 made lunch (grilled cheese)-- all burners and my brain firing properly so they get cooked No problem!
1:30 clean up lunch, finish watching movie with
1:45 make chocolate chips, burn first batch, do okay with second batch, vow to cook no MORE today!
2:00 left to go get receipt for boots that somehow
dont fit me even though I TRIED them on in the store!
2:45 left to go return boots, stopped am
McDonald's to eat little snack! Drive forever to get to the outlet mall on 290.
3:20 get to outlet mall, wont let me return boots because even though I have the receipt I
dont have the credit card they were purchased on originally (awesome MIL bought me them for Christmas!) So they had to be returned with in 6 business days from now and I
wasnt going to get back to the outlet mall within that time with MIL so I took the store credit, but was advised to use it now?
HMMMM? Decided to use it now, cannot find ANY boots, or shoes or purses! Finally decided on
ver cool brown bag that I am going to use as a library bag- it is rocking.
WEll it is
onsale and I have 16 dollars credit left!
3:45 still nothing in the store that I can buy for 16 dollars, tell next person in line Merry
christmas and happy New year you just got 16 dollars!
3:50 left the store in front of a very happy costumer!
4:00 Have to get Very far across town in one hour to meet
BRett, Amy and Kirsten to see Hotel for Dogs...
4:20 not very close to destination because Dave took a "shortcut".
4:44 still not close to destination
because The Beltway was down to two lanes! called Amy to make other plans.
5:00 after
reevaluating situation we decide to meet at closer cinema to see movie at a later time and have dinner.
5:30 Matt feels really bad at dinner, we send him home with Dave (later find out he had temp! poor baby!)
6:00 Having spent more on dinner, more on tickets (cant use discount I have at different cinema) am a little bummed out, I had also previously bought snacks and cokes to take into
AMC - WHICH IS ALLOWED at some please call manager of your
AMC to ask! So messed up financially wise but letting it go!
7:15 go into movie (
btw- pretty stupid, it gets like 2 and 3/4 stars just for being slightly funny)
9:10 get out of movie go meet Matt and Dave at Amy's house to drive home together.
9:45 run into
CVS to get my sales since it ends at 10:00!!!! Spent 11.76 on over 25 dollars worth of STUFF I USE!!!
10:30 come home, check my email
11:00 start writing this very long, probably boring to my readers post!
11:27 HIT PUBLISH POST---with Dave snoring loudly in my ear, while waiting up for it to be long enough to give
matt a second dose of
What a DAY! What did you do?