Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And Respectfully Yours, Mr. President...

Part Two...

As we say Goodbye to one President...

We welcome another.

Barack Obama...we welcome you.

I will pray for you each and everyday that God will bring you closer to HIM, that you will seek God's will for this country.

I believe you want the best for this country and I will pray that God leads you in every decision you consider and make.

Thank you Barack and Michelle Obama for the willingness to serve our Nation.

We thank your daughters for any sacrifices that might come up in the next four years.

WE pray for safety for you and your family...

We pray for the selection of people around you...

We pray for your secret service.

We pray for your Vice President, for your cabinet, for the Senators and Congressmen...

We implore you also to SEEK God everyday and to place your decisions before the THRONE or the true President of this country...

We remind you that the Presidency is a position...and appreciate that you have stepped into that position with dignity and poise and grace...

Thank you and Respectfully Yours Mr. President,

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