Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Respectfully your, Mr. President...

Part One...

No matter if you like Bush, started out liking Bush, dont like Bush...none of that matters as of today!

He has done a GREAT service to this country.

George W. Bush and Laura Bush...THANK YOU.

Thank you for putting YOUR entire life on HOLD for 8 years. Thank you for giving up any personal time, any privacy, all you normal activities for the past 8 years. Thank you for placing your self in the care of the Secret Service and in harms way in order to Serve this GREAT NATION.

WE honor you and truly appreciate you for serving.

WE know that any decisions...right or wrong

Were made with your very best intentions in mind and we thank you.

May God bless you and KEEP you as you venture into this new part of your life...

Thank you Mr. President,

Respectfully yours,

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