1. Make a list of five things you can see without getting up.
a. the laptop I am on
b. my hubbies big feet
c. my dresser
d. a pile of clothes that I "SHOULD" be hanging up instead of doing this meme
e. a box of Kleenex (currently very sniffily!)
2. How do you style your hair? How often do you cut it?
right now I am between growing it out and deciding to cut it again, I pull my middles bangs back with bobby pins to keep it out of my hair. Just talking about it makes me want to cut my hair!
3. What are you wearing now?
4. What's your occupation? Do you like it?
Stay at home mommy, home school teacher, wife! I love it!
5. When was the last time you took a nap? Was there any special reason?
A few days ago. It was great!
6. Who was the last person you hugged romantically?
um my hubbie-
7. What was the last full meal that you ate?
grilled chicken and broccoli (because dieting is so exciting!)
8. What was the last email you received?
a recipe from ALL Recipe's for Garlic Grilled Pork Tenderloin--- I might try it!
9. What one website do you always visit when online?
facebook? Hotmail and blogs are about equal!
10. What was the last significant thing you bought?
a set of headphones and Ipod holder--- significance is that it is for working out at the YMCA which is where we just got a membership. We plan to go daily! IT is a major priority!
11. What musical artist did you not get at first but then became a fan of?
I have NO idea. I guess Transiberian Orchestra, my hubbie loved them but I just heard racket, but we went to see them in concert and it was so unbelievable! They are truly artists! I love them now!!!
12. What did you think about before you went to bed last night?
watched Netflix with the hubby--- I LOVE Netflix streaming!
13. What was the last CD you bought?
um maybe an 80's CD for Allison's bridal shower last September! Or the states CD I bought for the kids?
14. What is your favorite weather and why? And what was the weather like today?
If I am inside and not going anywhere I like BAD rain storms. Very heavy rain. If I am out and about nice weather not too hot!--Girl can dream right! Today I think it is slightly cloudy- which is good since I gotta mow!
15. If you could have a special artistic talent what would it be?
I want to say singing or drawing because I think it is true I would love to be able to do those things, but I am going with cooking. I think great chefs have a very special talent and since I have to cook for my family three meals a day for the rest of my life I would like more talent in that area!
16. Did you watch the Idol 9 finale?
17. What's something you'd like to say to somebody right now?
Suck it up and just do it!
18. Any special plans for this holiday weekend?
Monday we have BBQ with family and friends! I am very excited! We don't get together enough!--
19. Besides your current S/O, who was the last person you loved romantically?
Um sticking with I have only truly loved my husband. Puppy love when we are young is great but true love is with my husband who I am building my life with! love you baby!
Love it! And a BBQ sounds sooo nice!