Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day-

"By the 1960s the Civil War generation was gone and Memorial Day seemed to be fading, at least in liberal cities. More attention was paid to the Indianapolis auto race, which began in 1895. More people headed to the beaches and parks than to the monuments and cemeteries.

Conservatives revived the practice of honoring Memorial Day in the 1980s, under the leadership especially of President Ronald Reagan."

I must confess that this year I have not thought much of Memorial day, the past few years we did, even went to the Houston National Cemetery but this year it has slipped by me unnoticed.  I am sorry and I promise this will not happen again.  This is not about a 3 day weekend, it is not all about Bar B Q's with the family... this is about soldiers who fought and died so that I can live freely.

With all that is going on in politics, and with this administration, it is overwhelming and discouraging.  But we need to stand up, quit feeling sorry for ourselves and get on board with getting this country back on track.  We all have a voice, I don't care how unimportant or small you feel yours is.  You have a voice.  Pick a candidate to back, put a sign in your yard, send them some money every month because like these soldiers who fought on the front are these conservatives that are running!  Right now is the time to get involved.  Now is the time to begin understanding how and why our system works the way it does.  Now is the time to keep sacred what these men died for... a free nation.

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