But alas,
I am done with AHG (besides once a month board meetings that is, which hopefully will not be many),
I am done with BSCH, we have a Moms Planning meeting that is supposed to happen next week, so far no one has even stated that they plan to attend soooooooooooo we will see how that goes!
The wedding is done! Whewwww. It was a lot of work but totally worth it. Hopefully this is my last wedding, well till Kaitlins (but we wont talk about that!)
So now my plans are school, summer bucket list, and chillin.
I am doing great with my weightloss. I am mostly making great choices, not going over my calorie count, working out fairly consistently! I feel good and like I have more energy!
This next week the kids are going to attend Vacation Bible School at Garden Oaks Baptist Church- which is where we are going to attend tommorow because they went and got themselves a full time pastor! We didnt want to try it with not having a pastor and all... so we will see tommorow and I will give you an update!
We have gymnastics on Monday.
School work we HAVE GOT TO GET TOO, cuz all the kids are up to date with right now is Math!
Emily has ballet on Thursday.
Matts swimming starts in a few weeks and Kaitlin's volleyball starts next month.
I have plans... big plans. Just gotta have time to implement them!
Guess that is all folks. You are mostly all caught up!
Just a FYI, I have banned Kaitlin from getting married, so we are good on that one! -DH