I have a love/ hate relationship with conferences.
The LOVE part comes with getting to "touch" curriculum, getting inspired by great speakers and simply being around so many other people doing what I am doing!
The HATE part comes with so many curriculum choices (even if I have already researched stuff to death, I see more!), getting my gut kicked by awesome speakers (sometimes needed but uncomfortable) and simply being around so many other people PERIOD!
So my first workshop was Jan Bedell from Little Giants Steps , I have seen or heard her at every conference for YEARS! I also generally seek her out at the booth to simply pick her brain!
My next workshop was Debbie from the National Center for biblical studies , she was great (Debbie is a fellow blogger so HEY out there if you are reading! She talked about the heart in regards to obedience. True repentance is a changed heart. We ourselves have to not be reactive parents- you know yelling, shooting out consequences without thinking, and dealing with the heart of the problem instead of just consequences.
At one point of the lecture she was telling a story and she talked about the song Zacchaeus.
You know where you do the hand motions... Zacchaeus was a wee little man, and a wee little man was he.
So the part where Jesus says, "Zacchaeus, you come down, for I'm going to your house today."
The hand motion is shaking your finger to the wee little man up in the tree.... Debbie point was that he was not shaking his hand. Jesus had his hands open to Zacchaeus and asked him to come down.
It really struck me because I have song the song with that picture of Jesus shaking his finger my whole life! But that was a misconception of the reality of WHO JESUS WAS and the grace he presented to those whose lives he touched. I want and need to extend that same grace to my kids! Also to myself!
Workshop 3 ---was Debbie Strayer- it was on a unified approach to teaching. Basically a glorified themed study.. she had some good points but I already incorporate this when I can so it was not much help. However she did say a few significant things.
Workshop 4 ---I had chosen a workshop on how to organized stuff, but I blew it off because I cannot listen to ONE OTHER PERSON telling me how to organized. I just gotta DO IT!
Workshop 5 --- I also blew off, I did want to go to this one, but I was busy talking to Jan Bedell and really thought that was more important because she wasnt busy at that time.
So that is day one! The campus is beautiful! I really enjoyed being there and hope they continue having it here!
Hey, I think we must have been in the same workshops mostly. ;) The campus was beautiful and I just had to tell you that (this is a word-of-mouth thing) one of the ladies that was in our Volunteer team was told by one of the SETHSA folks that they have a 3 year contract with HBU for the conference venue. Yippee!