Saturday, August 14, 2010

Weekly Wrap up- Friday... but it is on Saturday!

Okay, I PLAN (this is the key word here) to do a weekly wrap up. We shall see. I also like to participate in Fitness Fridays so like I said we will see.


so our 2010/2011 School year started on Monday!

I do not think I have made it clear enough how excited I am about this "new" year. It feels like a clean slate, a new beginning, a fresh start! YEAH!

I had the whole week lined up on the PLAN book and hoped to stick with it, but I knew some of the curriculum are new to us so we might have to adjust how much we do accordingly. Also Emily is older but still not fluent reading wise so I have to adjust somethings to her also.

When I sat at my desk on Sunday and I was looking as the lesson plans, the page looked almost empty. I know it is not, I know in my head how many hours a day we need to complete everything in the planner, but still it looked empty! Well our days were FULL!

Monday-we had a great first day, we started off with a nice pancake breakfast!  Emily as a new 2nd grader got to FLIP for the first time!!!

(duly note the shelves, they all got cleaned later on in the week!)

 and the all important signing of our Behavior contracts!

 We started every subject except for science and history.  The kids were so excited to get their new math books (do not read sarcasm here they really were!)

Emily had gymnastics on Monday also and she got promoted to LEVEL 3!!!  Whoo hoo!  This is a big deal for her and she is doing so good! 

We have done really well sticking to what was on our day, I switched two things around and will need to keep "tweaking" for a while but overall it was good week!

We are doing Abraham and Sarah in Bible.

Here is Emily being alert (our character trait right now) and fleeing from Satan who is like a roaring lion....

We have started out All about Spelling- and have already been amazed at some spelling rules/ things that NONE of us knew.  I will admit that I didn't know a way to tell how many syllables a word has was by how many times your jaw drops!  Wow, that would have been helpful all along!

We are learning THE PREAMBLE TO THE CONSTITUTION and Matt has it about down!

Here is Kaitlin's handwriting for this week, she is doing beautifully with cursive.  We have tried this on and off for a few years but NOW, easy!

Emily is flying through her first few lessons of Math U See Beta!  She asked when will she get to the hard stuff... I told her soon enough!

The kids played a Wraparound math game a few times this week and here they are playing Math War- multiplication!

We have for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY finally finished up First Language Lessons 1st Grade and are into 2nd Grade!  I have tried to make it though this book and kept  starting over for the next kid to not MISS out.  Yes, I know stupid, but I am on a learning curve too right!

Anyway.. I was never so happy than to see THIS page!

Kaitlin has started her EIW History Theme Writing Unit and LOVES it!  She has asked to work on it more!  I have it slated as twice a week.  I will show  you her first assignment next week when it is completely done!  WE are working on decoration words and alliteration.  She has promptly, persistently and with perseverance worked though her assignment!

We have chanted and conjugated in Latin! 

 Besides our school, the kids did plenty of reading, Emily read Capyboppy and Mrs. Rumphius with me, Kate read I sailed with Christopher Columbus and Matt read Stuart Little

we helped Mrs. Connie our children's church director do some work in the kids church,
 cleaned and organized the house more,

had friends over to spend the night,
swam at the new AWESOME Clay Road YMCA, 
I am not sure what this pose is about!

And yes that is a BIG ol' tattoo on Alex head!  Her mom insists SHE had nothing to do with it!

 finished up the volleyball season and celebrated

Our team party was a the 59 Diner, we had a really good time!

And here are Kaitlin's trophy's!  She did improve as the season progressed and we are signed up for Fall session too!

All in all it was a very full week.  We even got to have an "old" friend who I have reconnected with come over for the afternoon on Friday!  She is going to start home schooling her oldest who is going into Kindergarten so that was exciting, to share information and show her so many things!

I would say it was a success!

1 comment:

  1. What great curriculum picks. I'll have to go through them again. Sounds like many congratulations are in order! They are doing just great!
