Friday, January 28, 2011

3 in 30 Making goals a reality

So did I do it??

 Remember how I joined up with 3 IN 30 days.

The goal was to take our LONG, LONG list of things we want to accomplish and break it up into smaller chunks. We will focus on 3 things each month! By the end of the year that is 36 things I will have worked on, changed, made better or resolved! That is awesome!


1. Keeping up with my Reading the Bible in 90 days Pledge

2. Keeping up with the schooling on our daily schedule and being purposeful each day to get done
what we need too.

3. I am going to add that have a large list of reading material that I would like to cover this year. So I would like to finish TWO books by the end of January.

Here is how I have done...

1. yes, I have kept up with it for the most part, I am behind this week, with being sick... but hope to catch up tomorrow!  It is however an easier read this week-- more narrative form.

2.  yes, I have kept up with school.  We did not get everything on our list done, every day this month... but we got a whole heck of a lot done!  i am not entirely pleased yet.. I need to get better!  This week we were all sick, however if you check out my weekly wrap up tomorrow.. you will see that I honestly DID attempt to get a lot done, even being sick!

3. nope, didn't make this goal.  However.  I ended up reading some other things instead that took priority, so I did still take time to read books I need to read.  These are still on my list and the Making Brothers and Sisters best friends, I am mostly through and will start with the kids on Feb 1-- OUR MONTH OF LOVE!  :)

The other book-- well I will get to when I get to!  :)

FOR FEB... I am making 3 more goals for Feb.  however I am going to be VERY specific on these.

1. paint the side of the kitchen with my blue color.

2. clean out from underneath all the couch cushions and send covers to the cleaners!

This is a picture off the IPhone and is a really bad picture,  it makes it look worse than it is, but they are really in need of a cleaning!

3. DO school from Jan 31- Feb 11      We have a sabbath break after that and we are going on vacation.
After vacation school every day from Feb 21- Feb 28.  EVERY DAY will do school.  I have big plans for Feb.  I am being purposeful in my choices for undertaking certain tasks... and I want to accomplish them!

That is only 16 days of school to accomplish!  I can do it, yes I can!

Go see how everyone else did on their goals!


  1. Think you could have read that other book in say.....3 hours???? :)

    When you get back from vacation, you are going to school on Sundays too?

  2. nope 10 days before vacation and 6 days after.. for Feb. I didnt omit the weekends in the dates, but in the number of school days I did.

    and yes I could have read it pretty quickly, but I have to order it from Amazon and I didnt have the extra 6.00 plus shipping so I decided to wait. I will order it on the 1st-- I have 20.00 credit on Amazon and I am ordering that book, Ann Voskamp's (spell) book and a magic school bus heart book, that my library doesnt have. So I need 6.00 extra dollars! I should actually ask if anyone has it before I buy it.. I didnt do that!

  3. Stopping by from 3in30! Stay encouraged to keep at your goals....that sabbath break is coming!
