I LOVE to travel.. if you have read here long you know that! I however don't get to travel often! Traveling is expensive! However at any given time I have a minimum of three TRIPS planned! You know in case hubbie walks into the door and says, "HEY, pack some bags honey you get to go on a trip!"
It could happen.
I am a TRIP PLANNER. I love finding things to do, itineraries, money saving tips. I love it. I print maps, routes to different restaurants we may want to go, kids eat free ideas in the city we are in, coupons for attractions... @ Disney (I had a whole binder) I had info on how to bi pass the air conditioner in our hotel room to make it extra cold! REALLY.
So much fun. It fits in with my love of THEMES I guess? I think of the trip as a theme and off I go!
We traveled a fair amount last year so this is our off year, which may stretch into two off years since we bought the van!
But if we were traveling this year I have so many trips to choose from.
trip A- TX, Mo, In, KY,Ohio PA, Tn, Ga, AR, TX. We would hit the Creation museum, family in MO and In, Falling Water in Pa, battle grounds and Daniel Boone memorial where he was buried--- and much, much more!
Trip B- TX, NM, AZ,NV, CA and back. We would hit volcano's in New Mexico and the Grand Canyon, San Fransisco (possibly), Los Angelos, Catalina Island, San Diego- Sea world, Lego Land and of course MUCH more!
Trip C- TX, LA, MS, AL, GA, SC, NC, VA. We would get across GA quick as possible - do Atlanta, Stone Mountain and onto SC all the way to the East coast and UP-- Williamsburg straight up then around to West V, back through TN for the other side we wouldn't have seen yet and back home quick.
Trip D---- THE MOTHER TRIP! Across the states as quick as humanly possible, to PA, NY, NH, MA,CT, NJ, and DC OF COURSE and back home! We would visit DC, Boston, New York, Hershey PA, The New jersey sea shore, Atlantic City (you know so I can sing.. ON the boardwalk of Atlantic City- life would be peaches and cream!) JUST everything that is AWESOME!
Trip E--- Back UP to Minnesota,South Dakota,MT, WY,CO and home. We would do Mall of the America's, Prairie Days!, Mount Rushmore, Mt- family, Yellowstone, Denver and Eureka Springs in Co and the home of the Unsinkable Molly Brown!, and back home!
Trip F--- Straight through to Utah and Four corners - Dave wants to rent house boat, over to NV, CA above San Fransisco unless we didn't do it on the other trip and the Great Sequoia!!! Up the coast to Oregon and Washington to Seattle and then.. THEN across the bay to the home of Anne of Avonlea on Prince William sound!!! back home
and last but not least!!!
Trip G--Back up to IL, see Chicago again, the last trip was hurried and I didn't even get to see the Buckingham Fountain or visit Frank Lloyd Wrights museum... around the other side of the Great Lakes to Michigan and all the way around to MACKINAC island BABY!!! Home of the Grand Hotel, horse drawn carriages!!! I would LOVE to say we would drive around to Niagara Falls at this point too!
I am telling you... it is a sickness. :)
But so far I have been to all these places, a cool map tool that can be found
I saw this on my friend
Lisa's blog who got it from another blog, who got it from another blog--- I am only going back to Lisa!
I will tell you that this is in my head, this post took me about 30 minutes to write, with interruptions. I am constantly thinking about traveling!!