Went for my CT scan-- went much better than last time with the Valium, now just waiting for the doctor to get back to me!
The kids worked on math, handwriting.
We almost finished chap 3 in science and completed the mini book and crossword puzzle in the notebooks.
We read about Chopin in The Spiritual Lives of the Composers and also read about him in this new composer study I found in my STUFF in storage. Don't you love when you buy these great things to use and forget about them!
I baked cookies.
I checked off my list of things to accomplish this week!
It was a good day!
I am sitting here typing this up and I am telling you I cannot remember a single thing about Tuesday!
we did history at Amy's house. We studied about Eli Whitney, Robert Fulton and Noah Webster.
My mom talked about Indians found in some of the newly emerging Midwestern states. The kids tried succotash-- made with the Three Sisters!
We had a flooding roof-- but alas all was well after an ac line flush!
Amy ended up keeping the kids so we had a wonderful surprise of being alone for the evening! We are really nightlifers! We ended up getting a Little Ceasers Pizza, tea from McDonald's and later on a pint of ice cream from Walgreen's. We laid around watching Hulu and went to bed early!
I kept a friends kids and we played with play dough, chalk on the porch, the wii, Lego's, had a snack, swung on the swing, played with click its and answered four jillion questions all in the first hour-- WOW, it's been a while since I had little ones! It was fun and when the kids got home they were able to all play and keep them occupied. Kate read stories, Matt played Wii and Emily played with the dollhouse!
We went grocery shopping-- two stores. I saved 54.00 dollars! YEAH.
all the kids did math and we finished up chapter 3 in science--I have to post some of Kate's artwork soon!
the kids also have reading assignments from history that they are working on.
I am posting early so on the to be done agenda is swimming at my moms and the Harris county library.
We will also be starting chapter 4 in science and doing math, spelling and Michigan for our state study!
We have 12 days left of school but only three (counting today) are school days-- today should be my last day but since I skipped doing any work for two days I had to add on and we have vacation Bible school next week so we are going to the 28th!
So only ONE more weekly wrap up for this "year" and I will lawfully have completed my 180 days! We are of course not stopping and we aren't wrapping up much curriculum but my 180 are up! So next week I will "move" the kids ahead their grade and start my count down again!
1 comment:
So I checked your Facebook and apparently NOTHING happened on Tuesday.
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