We all slept in but Emily and I slept the latest! I personally slept until 10:36! I cannot remember the last time I have slept that late! It felt wonderful!
We ended up going to moms house to swim this morning.
We came home and went to our NEW WHOLE FOODS that just opened! It is a beautiful store-- feels totally switched and twisted around and it will take me a while to learn where everything is! I am very excited about it though. It is a whole 4 minutes from my house!
All three kids did math.
Emily did handwriting and patched for two hours.
Matt and Kate began working on their homework assignments from Mama for history. They read their books and started doing their research for a poster they need to make for Wed.
We worked on chores.
Tuesday: DAY 180
Today was our anniversary... Dave was off work and he got to sleep in! We got up and did a few things around the house and the kids did math and worked on history.
Dave and I went to lunch together and afterward we all went to the Children's Museum.
Like I have stated before we are not really starting much new curriculum, still finishing up stuff but technically our new school year starts on Wed....so I will start our weekly wrap up over at week 1. I am hoping to be more consistent with our weekly wrap up this coming year! I love having a pretty decent record of our school week! We will began doing a few things differently though...
We will take a week break mid June and possibly a two week break in late August, plus a day or two here and there throughout the rest of the summer weeks.
So this year we have accomplished a lot.
We have "seen" history from the landing of the pilgrims through the developing of a nation with the use of MANY living books.
We studied how we are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made through our Apologia Anatomy.
We have written, added, multiplied, memorized, copied, played, read, experienced, conjugated, studied, created in all our school work.
We started the study of great composers...
We learned and saw works of art and the artists lives....
We went through the Old Testament and saw the MIGHTY and GREAT works of God through creation, the savings of Israel, the acts of prophets, the sins of men, the foretelling of a Savior...
We participated in tap, gymnastics and volleyball--- learning obedience, some team spirit and the conditioning of our body ( a lifetime NEED)
We began serving as a family-- always more we can do but we purposed to start!
We worked on loving each other.
We devoured many, many books... of all subjects, both fiction and non fiction.
We had a good year and plan to KEEP ON KEEPING ON....
This post just makes me happy! All around happy! Yay you!!
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