Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Sum Up: Jan 6-10, 2014

Well I think it was a great first week back at school.. We were back in the homeschool room!! Yeah!!!


We stayed on task and on schedule. -- mostly!

Chore routine got a little more rescheduled.

Basically my life got back on track and we are picking up steam!

The kids are reading: this plus MUCH more..
The Aenied,
 The Divine Comady, 
Foxes Book of Martyrs,
 The Medieval Orgins of the Modern State

Emily is reading:
 King Arthur, 
The Makings of a Night, 
Viking  Tales.. 
Famous Men of the Middle Ages And more! 

Starting The Giver and doing a book club on it in the next couple of weeks-- 

We are learning and growing and stretching our minds to say the least...

Kate starts an art class this week-- 

Her Sign class has been put on hold So I need to figure out what to do about that...

Emily is trucking along in math, started a new science 

And is working hard to stay on task!

Matt is getting caught up-- mom is a little more hands on with his assignment sheet and time management but he is learning! 

And that is the first Sum Up of the year!! 

Happy Schooling!!'

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