So I put up a paper that had house rules on it. I went over them very quickly but then sat down, I mean the rules were not new... I was just reinforcing them with a paper on the wall (yes hello to Super Nanny marathon).
We were all working again when I noticed a tear on Emily's face and she burst into tears and said "I am doomed".
I was a little startled to say the least.
I asked what she was doomed for and she said number 2. Well number two on the list was No telling lies. So of course I am starting to feel a little concerned. I said why would you be DOOMED over not telling lies.
She said no the second one... SO under Number 1 was NO fighting and in parenthesis was NO horseplay.
She was doomed to never be obedient if she couldn't play like she was a horse. I just burst out laughing.. although she was VERY serious.
I said "Honey, it doesn't mean playing like a horse, it means fighting, throwing balls in the house, swinging chairs around.. just being wild."
She, very teary eyed but obviously relieved went right on about her work.
Note to self:
Parenthood is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you will get.
(Thanks H-Mama for reminding me and don't forget to go comment on her blog giveaway!)
I just had to read this one out loud to my husband! That's just so sweet and funny at the same time.
Too funny!
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