I love accountability.
I thrive on accountability.
I have trouble with follow through, so if I know that someone is checking up on me, than I am more inclined to "GET ER' DONE"!
So I am joining up with 3 IN 30 days. I saw this on Home with Purpose (who is my 90 day reading accountability partner). The challenge is a cooperative effort between Tuckers Take Tennessee and AP Freelancers
The premise is to take our LONG, LONG list of things we want to accomplish and break it up into smaller chunks. We will focus on 3 things over the 30 day month! By the end of the year that is 36 things I will have worked on, changed, made better or resolved! That is awesome!
I am late for January but I am going to list 3 things that I have already been working on!
1. Keeping up with my Reading the Bible in 90 days Pledge.
2. Keeping up with the schooling on our daily schedule and being purposeful each day to get done
what we need too.
3. I am going to add that have a large list of reading material that I would like to cover this year. So I would like to finish TWO books by the end of January.
SO that is my 3 IN 30 for week 2 of January.. if you want to join just link up at Tuckers Take Tennessee Link up every Friday morning to let everyone know how we are doing on our goals!
Since I am a week late this post should be my CHECK IN post!
Here is how I have done...
1. I have kept up with my reading for the most part... I got behind one day the first week, but I have changed when I read so I think it will work out better!
2. Week 22 and Week 23 of school have gone pretty well! I got a lot of my lesson plans. I did adjust to make most subjects 4 days a week, so we have Fridays as a catch up day. This allows me to get more of the art and extra stuff done that I am so desiring to do! It also allows me to get the "teaching" done on Mon- Thursday and leave more independent work to be done on Friday! Anyway, this is the schedule I am going to try out for a while...
3. I am in chap 4 of Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends!
Like I told you I THRIVE on accountability!
Thanks for checking in....
Accountability is a good thing. It's the main reason I decided to join in the 3 in 30 party, too. I think we are going to learn a lot this year.
Hi, carrie. 3 in 30 checking in to say hello and great work on your goals this week. My oldest dd read the brothers/sisters book and came away with ideas and even some insights into how she relates to her younger siblings. I have a book goal for one of my 3 in 30. I'm reading through "Stepping Heavenward". As you are inspired by accountability, so am I and I appreciate reading your post. I am encouraged to continue even though my week wasn't the greatest. Blessings to you!
Hi! Checking in from 3in30 :)
I love accountablility - and I am loving this challenge, because it's forcing me to be accountable (and honest) with myself!!
Great goals - good progress :) Mary Curtis Chapman's book is on my reading list. I'll be interested to hear what you think.
I totally need the accountability too! That's why I jumped into the 3 in 30 project! It has really helped me too.
Accountability is great- both with 3in30 and B90Days! It is going to be a GREAT year :)
This past year God has taught me the importance of accountability; it cultivate growth!! Stopping over from the 3 in 30 link-up.
Better late than ever, you seem to be doing GREAT!! I love to read too!!
Keeping it Personal,
Teri Johnson
Sounds like a great challenge, Carrie! I'm not one for new yrs resolutions, but have already determined some things will get knocked off the ol' to-do list... Things that have been lingering over me since we moved into this house!
I do much better with accountability, too. I don't do as well on my own. =\
It's why I joined in 3in30 also.
Hope you have a good week. Blessings~
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