Outside my is still rainy and kind of dreary. I love it. I wish we had a lot more of these kind of days, I just wished we got to stay home all day.
I am thinking...that I did so well being purposeful yesterday until like 1:17 and then after lunch it all went downhill. I hope my purposefulness will last longer today.
I am thankful for...the fact that I have the privilege of staying home with my children and schooling them. I have been watching a few episodes of Super nanny lately and the whole morning routine- get the kids off to school..... Yuck. I am truly thankful for the way our morning is ordered!
From the learning rooms... today we are working on all the regulars, a lot of reading on our favorite places today! We will have tea party Tuesday- in honor of the Boston Tea Party!
From the kitchen... I am making chicken and rice for dinner. I don't think it will be a favorite BUT I do think it will allow the smaller amount of expensive organic chicken that I have thawed.. to go much farther! I also plan on making tea today. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal but I never make tea--- I am such a BAD tea maker. SO today I plan on making brew after brew and getting the system I like down to a science! Amount of sugar, amount of water, length of brewing time...etc. Again for you who make tea so happy. I can NEVER get mine right! So after today I plan to NEVER have to say that again!
I am wearing...nothing, no really. I have a robe on... gotta get dressed and blow dry the hair! I will be wearing... dum, dum, da, dum........................... jeans and a polo.
I am creating...a work of art today... really I am sanding the sides of wood today and then I will paint them black. Then the spray adhesive is coming out. Post to follow!
I am going..NO where. I wish. I am taking Dave to work and coming home and later taking kids to after school activities.
I am reading...The Bible in 90 days. I am also reading Making Brothers and Sisters Be Best Friends.. almost done!
I am hoping...that we have good news soon. (NO, not relating to pregnancy in any way!)
I am hearing...dripping water. The splash of cars stopping at our stop sign and the shower going with Hubbie in it.
Around the house...I have picked a color for the kitchen! I have decorated for Valentines Day! I am working on organizing a few different areas- tomorrow we are putting a few more of Emily's things in boxes to be stored in the closet verses out in her room. I am hunting on Craig's List for a table. I really need to stop because I am not budgeted for that until after March 1 so I am really just torturing myself! I don't know that it will happen after March 1 either BUT I have to plan right! I REALLY want matching chairs that aren't crap the most! I will totally settle for that!
One of my favorite when we are at the school table and the kids are working and we can quietly talk and joke a little amongst ourselves. I mean when it is not getting wild, just a quiet laugh here and there. I like to see the kids working and break into a smile. THIS does not happen every day- all to often I don't see smiles. I am working on this and it starts with me. I dont mean I dont see smiles all day or during school... I am specifically talking about during those quiet moments....
A few plans for the rest of the week: really school work is the focus. we do have a play date for Thursday morning and possible Friday a field trip afternoon... we will see how it plays out. On Saturday we are helping hand out the packages for Angel Food- it is our service project for the month--- which I need to post on soon!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
I was sitting at my desk the other day and suddenly all around me were bubbles. I turned around and Matt was standing there blowing bubbles with the SWEETEST, BIGGEST smile on his face. He said, "I know you love bubbles, Mom. They make me happy too." It was a wonderful moment and I was so glad to have my camera close at hand!!! Go see what everyone else is doing at A Simple Woman's Day book
1 comment:
i love rainy days, too... when we get to stay home. we actually canceled piano yesterday. home all day. loved it!
yay for a relaxed homeschool morning!
have you ever tried lipton cold brew tea? we never make tea for ourselves, but hubs will use this when guests come over. it's always a hit. no boiling required. ;)
how do you guys go about writing with IEW? perfect a paragraph a week? regarding something you're already talking about in science or history? or do you order the little story sets from IEW? i have the program, just having trouble getting started. oi. i need daily lesson plans for language. spoiled much? ha!
Does that book work for sisters being best friends? ;)
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