118. for welcome to womanhood gifts from family members to my eldest
119. for finding my children's passions and being able to expand on them
120. for a quiet street in a busy place
121. for chore charts
122. for the flexibility of home schooling
123. for haircuts from TISHA!
124. for a new family favorite side dish... that everyone likes!
125. for fresh starts every morning... for both me and the kids
126. for being able to be consistant and reap the reward of that
127. for a childhood youth pastor and his wife still being willing and able to pastor me
128. for snoring husbands... he is breathing, he is here, he is with us I will take the snoring.
129. for friends who step up and help out when needed
130. for the nearness of so many musuems and learning experiences that it is hard to choose
131. for half and half tea at restarunts- sweet is too sweet!
132. for a special treat at Panera the other morning and a few minutes with ma ma
133. a gymnasitc coach that sees my child and is willing to work with her
134. for enchilada casserole and my daugher who put the whole meal together!
135. for a friend to talk to for an hour and a half on Tuesdays!
136. for a quiet night, watching a show and sharing ice cream with hubbie
137. for quick kisses on the cheeks from little girls
138. for trips to the library and days to read books all snuggled in our beds!
139. for a day with the family... learning and just being.
140. for a working environment that is a little flexible so my husband can be sick or be with family when needed
141. for a time of remembering with family
142. for noodles and cheese... yum
143. for a 10 year old son who still cuddles...
144. for possible freedom for Egypt... we will see
145. for a wonderful opportunity to vacation with my family
146. for antibiotic shots- hit it hard and fast
147. for indoor waterparks in the "winter"
148. for threading instead of waxing... my eyebrows thank India
149. for my childs artistic ability
150. for heart changes that you can see
I took the callenge! :0)
indoor waterpark. how fun! great list. i'm starting something like this. wasn't intentional, but needed. ;)
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