Lots going on!
We went and visited the Civil War Museum on Fort Worth-- it is neat because it focuses on the Texans in the Civil War!
One of my favorite quotes about Texans in the Civil War is: by Robert E Lee
They had a scavenger hunt so all the kids participated:
I loved the flags...
So we have studied:
Zachary Taylor
Compromise of 1850
Millard Fillmore
Franklin Pierce
John Brown's raid
Abraham Lincoln
Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln's assassination
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
15th Amendment
Clara Barton
and the kids read these books:
Abe Lincoln
Follow the Drinking Gourd
Mr. Lincoln's Drummer
Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt
some of the American Diaries series
Across Five Aprils
Behind Rebel Lines
Charley Skedaddle
Dragon's Gate
A Family Apart
Freedom Train
The Great Turkey Walk
Little Woman _________Still reading as read aloud for heaven's sake!
Bound for Oregon
The Perilous Road
The Red Badge of Courage
Rifles for Watie
Uncle Tom's Cabin (abridged)
Plus more but I don't have my full book list-- I can't find it.. ARGGG.

Oh dear! I KNEW it! You've been reading Little WOMEN so long that it's now Little WOMAN!! So which one outlived all the others???? :)
you find the best field trips to parallel your studies. when i grow up, i want to be like you... best history teacher evah! ;)
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