Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Virginia Trip-- Day 1

And finally posting our vacation pictures!!!  This is us starting out in La Port, Texas!! We picked up Sara who was with us for the first leg of the trip!

Emily appears to already be asleep...  

We arrived in West Monroe, LA just in time for a late lunch at the DUCK COMMANDER DINER!!

It was decent... expensive but really we went for the experience!  It was fun,  and the kids really seemed to enjoy it.. 

Of COURSE we stopped at Duck Commander!  How could we not--

From there we headed to Birmingham, Alabama

We visited the 16 st Street Baptist Church... where four precious black girls were killed in a bombing 
Sept 15, 1963  and it proceeded to propell into motion the civil rights movement and the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  It was a beautiful church and reading about what happened.. imagining the chaos and sadness that struck the community was very hard.  

smiling faces... but we absolutely took time to reflect on what had happened to remember the lives of the girls and their families...

This is the park across the street from the church... the park where marches for freedom took place and Martin Luther King Jr. spoke... it was said that since World War One that more than 50 bombings had taken place in black only institutions and that Birmingham was calling Bombingham.... 

Such a regrettable time in history. I cant imagine some of the horrors that were faced.... may God forgive our country for the hate and I only pray that the save levels of hate do not continue to manifest in our communities..  

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